Profile Post: Rick Lane

Drew Credico
French 274
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2017

Rick Lane is a freelance writer for Kotaku, RPS, IGN, and more. For this post Im looking at his work on a daily column on RPS (Rock Paper Shotgun). Every day, RPS has a post called “Have You Played…” which is an intropestive about any game, and why they recommend you play it. Usually it provides some unique insight or unique perspective. Like my blog they often delve into overlooked mediocre games that do something unique. Rick Lane specifically, writes about FPS games such as Call of Duty 2 and F.E.A.R 2. He has a pretty unique voice and perspective on games, as well as a great sense of humor that comes across great in his writing. For example in his F.E.A.R 2 piece he talks about his disappointment over the shotgun. He talks about ho F.E.A.R 1 had an amazing shotgun and that it would have been easy to transfer it over to the sequel but they failed, disappointing him.

“ All F.E.A.R 2 had to do was carry it over exactly as it was. Instead, Monolith redesigned it and made it utter dogshit. It’s an absolute travesty and I demand this be acknowledged.”

He often makes irreverant remarks like that, such as when he talked about the grenade sound in Call of Duty 2.

“ It introduced that stupid pinging noise for grenade impacts, which makes them all sound like they’re made from porcelain.”

Another unique feature of his posts is his dives into singular levels or features that justify playing the game. Again from his F.E.A.R 2 piece he talks about a singular location from the game that he says makes F.E.A.R 2 worth playing. He discuss with a vivid style that lets both his thoughts and feelings as well as what he is actually describing come alive.

His humor and passion for what he is writing about, makes it easy to understand what he is conveying. It also adds a certain excitement or draw to the game he is discussing further increasing the strength of his recommendations.


