Shocking! This person gets higher rank just by using these mechanics, and Elo boosters hate him!

Tak Chun Chan
French 274
Published in
6 min readApr 21, 2017

I love to write about eSports, but this week is a little bit different since most of the best eSports events are on weekend so I sort of ran out of stuff to write. Don’t worry, we can always talk about gaming in general since eSports are a part of it, therefore I can never write something that is ‘off-topic’, which is nice.

Also please disregard my clickbait title and I am bad at that. Hey, please stop booing me and throw your banana or orange or even……wait is that a glass bottle? Alright guys please stop, it is dangerous, I will try to be more serious, trust me.

What are elo boosters? They are a group of players that are very good at the game, and they are getting paid to achieve a specific rank. Some players will hire Elo boosters for ‘profit’ like gifts from Riot Games, or it can help you in real life like show off to your friends, get more chances to flirt with girls (I am not joking, there are girls that really admire dudes who are good in the game……)

So what’s the deal for today then? It’s something that I would live to share, which is my thought on why some LoL players can never reach higher level.

Whenever players are trying to give advice or write an ‘educational’ article, it is needed to provide a proof of their rank, and I will follow this tradition.

That was 5 am in the morning and a yung Asian kid was fighting for his last second Diamond

Well, as one of the ‘better’ players (Diamond is like top 2.3% among all players) I think most players failed to advance because they are too full of themselves.

In their eyes, they are the hero that Gotham……*cough* their team deserves. But what they don’t realize is they can be zero sometimes.

When I play with my friends that have lower rank on smurf account, most of the players are trying too hard to achieve something, like trying to get a kill, get an objective that the team needs, or try to pull off a stylish combo…etc.

And that’s why Linkin Park describes my feelings so well. I’ve tried so hard and got so far, but in the end, it doesn’t even matter — because people are not doing the right thing at the right time.

Therefore I asked them why they are making risky moves and that’s what I got most of the time:

I get this comment very often.

Well, if you want to lose the game, I don’t mind, but please for the love of god, stop complaining that you lost because you have “bad teammates.” Guess what my friend, the system will queue you up with players that have similar rank, so you are just one of them. No, you are not the chosen one, so you should practice more have the right mindset to play the game, and that’s the keys to success.

But how can you improve as a player? First you need to maintain a positive attitude. This is quite simple, you don’t get mad when something bad happened. I understand that it’s hard to be optimistic all the time, but calling out people’s mistakes and tell them they are bad wouldn’t help either, so just focus on your own game and see if it is possible to get yourself ahead. Also having a positive attitude can reduce conflicts in the team. I’ve seen so many times people are annoyed by a careless mistakes, and they were too busy to type in the chat to argue with the others, which caused more mistakes. You know, the chain reaction. Most of the time they ended up losing the game because they would rather to type a 10-pages essay instead of playing the game.

Why calling out bad plays are useless? It is because has zero contribution to the team, but just make everything worse since it is creating conflicts in the team. Therefore, don’t be that guy and ruin everyone’s mood to play the game, you are here to play the game, trying to have fun and win, never forget what you came for.

There’s another thing about correct mindset, which is called ‘carried by others.’ People played numerous games and sometimes they are the hero and help his/her team become victorious. But guess what, it won’t happen every game unless you are really talented. Sometimes players failed to perform, but it is fine, as long as they know how to play with the team, this is how you can be ‘carried by the others’, you are not the hero, but you have done the right thing and this should be rewarded with a victory.

However, some people can never understand this concept and they are very self-centered. Even though they are behind, they still try to make flashy plays instead of work with the team. Their mindset is like ‘I must do that, my people need me.’ Calm down dude, your people need you — to not make stupid moves. Sometimes forced plays can be devastating because it is hard to fight in LoL when you have major mistakes and it might be the turning point of the game and that’s why teamwork is ‘overpowered’, said Riot Games.

I mean how come most people still don’t know the message behind this video when it is like, 4 years old?

Now you have the right mindset, what’s next? Practice efficiently. There are lots of mechanics in the game you can practice and I hope everyone can set up some small goals in-game. Like ‘never die in a 1 versus 1 situation’, ‘My creep score should be around (*insert number here*) by (*insert time period here*),’ ‘I should be more aware of what is happening around the map.’ Trust me on that, you will be happier when achieved them.

Overtime you will be more skillful because it is important to address your actions and eventually you can ‘climb the ladder’ faster because you are improving while the others are not, and that’s why I think some players can never advance to next stage because they refuse to address their mistakes. They try to find at least 1 million excuses to cover it up……. *sigh* I’d say that if you really want to success, throwing excuses is the last thing you want to do because you get nothing out of it, and welcome to the vicious cycle: ‘My team is so bad I can’t do much.’ → ‘ I did nothing wrong, I lost because of *whatever the freaking reason is*,’ you start another game and same thing happened → ‘I did nothing wrong’ →Rinse and repeat to infinity and beyond.

The only way to break the cycle is to admit your mistakes and figure out how you can avoid them and you will come back stronger than ever and start crushing in your games, and that’s how you improve as a player and I hope that everyone understands.

I believe that many LoL players also follow the eSports scene, we love the professional scene, but how come we never learn something from the professionalss? Have you ever seen any players blame their teammates for a mistake in-game? Have you ever seen pro players who refuse to address their weak point and try to improve? Have you ever seen pro players being negative when they are behind? No, it is because they know it wouldn’t help them to overcome the difficulties.

We always think that the atmosphere in pro scene is amazing, yet we are doing something that is the exact opposite everyday.

Seriously, what are you guys doing?

I mean, if anyone really want to improve, please, do everything that is mentioned above. Also, never forget the purpose of gaming, which is entertainment.

P.S. I didn’t do too much research but recently there’s a post about a previous Ranked 1 player in LoL, who is extremely toxic to the team and now he lost the chance to play competitively, even though he stated numerous time that he wants to play as a pro player. I mean, if you don’t know how to work with the others, you probably should just stay away from competitive, and this is the part of the inspiration for this post (The main inspiration is a Chinese streamer that I really like, he is always positive and I improved a lot just by watching him. If I had any chance I will write an article just for this person.)



Tak Chun Chan
French 274

Currently a Junior Economics Major in University of Southern California, passionate gamer and big fan of eSports.