Come in number 37…

Your time’s up!

Ed Buziak
French Buzz


Image © Ed Buziak / Alamy 2023

OK, unfortunately — almost to disprove my thoughts — you won’t see the number 37 in my compiled image… the two 38s don’t even come close.

And, I’ve never heard the exact words from my title being shouted out aloud… close, but not exact.

But for a moment picture me in my youth bobbing about in a small sailing craft on a big lake in a public park with the owner on shore signaling to me that my hour was up and I had to bring the boat back… and he was shouting through his megaphone, “Come in number 37, your time’s up!”

Yes, it’s happened more than once, but with a different number each time.

So why am I mentioning the number 37? I’ll explain later… but first some observations and a little history.

I live with the number

I see the number 37 all the time. And if I’m in town I would probably see it a hundred times in an hour. Why? How?

I live in central France and the number of the Indre-et-Loire département is 37. There are 96 départments in metropolitan France, mostly named after the rivers flowing through them, although some are named after mountain ranges. Départment’s are numbered from their alphabetic order, occasionally changes happening when war or administrative decrees intervene.



Ed Buziak
French Buzz

Abstract artist... Stock photographer... Minimalist... Plant-based... Fixie rider... ’60s Art student, if you can remember the ‘60s.