La Semaine de la Francophonie 2024

G Shrivastava
Ask Sétu
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2024

Every year, in March, the Semaine de la Francophonie celebrates the French language and the richness of the francophonie. As the official language of 32 countries, used by more than 300 million people worldwide, French is the fifth most spoken language on the Internet and the second most used language in international organisations. Mastering the language can offer many advantages in the world of work opening doors to roles in various fields such as international trade, diplomacy, tourism, culture, and education.

Semaine de la Francophonie and Dis-moi dix mots

The Semaine de la Francophonie was established in 1970 to celebrate the French language and the ties that bind Francophone countries by the International Organisation of Francophonie (OIF), which now includes 88 states and governments.

A big part of the celebrations today is the “Dis-moi dix mots” operation, launched in 2007, which offers a selection of ten words each year around a specific theme. This year’s theme of “On the Podium,” inspired by the upcoming Olympics Games in Paris, is particularly relevant, since sport is a universal language that unites people and conveys strong values such as fair play, respect, perseverance, and self-improvement:

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What is the importance of this week for people seeking job in France?

The Semaine de la Francophonie holds significant importance for people seeking jobs in France for several reasons. Many events are organized around the world to celebrate the French language and encourage its use in the professional world.

Language Proficiency: The event underscores the importance of the French language in the world of work. For individuals seeking jobs in France, proficiency in French is often a requirement, especially for roles that involve direct communication with clients, colleagues, or management.

Cultural Integration: Francophonie Week celebrates the cultural diversity of French-speaking countries. Understanding and appreciating French culture can be beneficial for job seekers in France as it demonstrates an ability to integrate into the local culture and work environment.

Networking Opportunities: The event provides a platform for networking with professionals from French-speaking countries. Job seekers can leverage this opportunity to expand their professional network, by attending events organised online, or in their city.

Skill Enhancement: Participating in Francophonie Week events, such as language workshops or cultural activities, can help job seekers enhance their linguistic and cultural skills, making them more competitive in the French job market. In India, the Alliance Française network organises many events through out this week.

Overall, the Semaine de la Francophonie can serve as a very valuable avenue for job seekers in France to improve their language proficiency, and cultural understanding, both of which are essential for securing employment in the country.



G Shrivastava
Ask Sétu

Educator, Entrepreneur, Blogger, Bibliophile, Francophile. Je pense, donc je suis.