A second dawn, chasing the heels of the first — a new format for my work

Frenetic Scribblings
1 min readJan 5, 2018

I’ve been dabbling in the idea of ditching the numbered titles for my daily writings. Instead simply consigning them — alongside anything else I happen to write that day — into a publication.

One bearing the Frenetic Scribblings name, which I seem to be oddly attached to.

By the fact you are reading this, you are already aware I decided to go through with it. It is probable…likely, even…that I might decide to revert to the old system in the future.

The separated ‘Thought for the Day’ footer will be going away along with the title prefixes. The intent is to stop separating one particular story of the day from all the rest, freeing and indeed encouraging me to write more than one daily. It remains to be seen how well this is going to work.

The actual content is not going to change. Expect continued philosophical musings, the (very) occasional poetic moment and even more occasional insights into my daily goings on. In short, business as usual. Just with a fancy new shopfront, so to speak.

I’m excited for the control a ‘vanity publication’ affords me. Watch this space!

