Bikers’ club of… Philosophy?

Frenetic Scribblings
2 min readJan 9, 2018

Its seems to me that bikers share more than just fun, speed and recklessness.

That is to say, to ride a motorcycle is one thing, to be a biker is quite another.

Biking is more than just a mode of transport in ways I haven’t yet quite put my finger on. It’s a way of life to a degree.

Whether or not a particular life outlook gives you a desire to ride, or whether it is more that being a rider leads to a changed life outlook is nuts and bolts. Either way, there’s something…

Maybe it’s related to the constant and consistent reminders of your own mortality. It certainly helps me to take chances off the bike that I might not otherwise. Keeps me grounded and living in the moment, as it were.

Maybe it’s something about the way that throwing a bike through twisting corners sets soul and mind on fire all at once.

Actually, yes. Perhaps that’s it. Riding a bike makes the rider come alive in a way that’s difficult to match. It requires focus and a lot of confidence.

Taking a quick and smooth line through a corner, though, is a feeling of elation unlike no other.

So… there’s something about biking. Something about biking that changes riders.

Riders are an exclusive club, and not just because of how we get around. We share a particular view of life that unites us, on and off the road.

No doubt this idea will reappear in the future as I give it more thought.

