YouTube Commentaries: Rian Doris

Demonstrating my poor text-to-image prompting skills with Magic Media

I subscribe to a lot of channels that I rarely watch. For the most part, watching YouTube satisfies my curiosity while catering to my intermittent ADD (which is not the result of social media, but more on that in another post). It also satisfies my less-intermittent OCD tendencies by allowing me to create playlists, and my creative side in that I don’t use playlists as playlists but as bookmark lists (Microsoft note: I still refuse to call them favorites, because not every place I need to return to is a place that I favor).

See my playlists at

This long preamble (something you will suffer through often if you subscribe to this Medium Publication because I hate self-editing and no one wants to edit me for free) is to say that I subscribe to because he has some really good content on flow but I don’t watch everything he posts for several reasons, none of which has to do with quality of information or presentation.

This morning I was watching How To Rewire Toxic Thoughts Into Flow State and was inspired to note that “his use of imagery is well synched and chosen to the content to help the concepts stick in your mind” (quoting myself here, generally bad form, but in this case the me that pauses peddling to make notes I think of as someone else, so there you go…). Which it is. So if you have any interest in better managing your ruminations or learning how to better organize your time, or why to better organize your time, I recommend you click the link and watch the video.

After (or before, if you don’t care to bookmark this post), you might be interested in my thought on the value of relegating as much as practical to mindless habit and keeping tight control on as many factors as can be controlled tightly (what Doris labels a liberating constraint, a term I quite like). As Doris points out, “you’re bounding your life in one domain to unlock increased freedom and creativity in another”.

My take on this is from the perspective of managing energy, something that Doris alludes to in the video to a degree. By controlling what can be controlled, and making habitual those things that are of lower priority, it leaves more energy to expend on all the things that can’t be placed in those boundaries. Those are the things that will benefit most from your attention. Yes, as the video describes, this energy can be focused on a single task, goal, or initiative with great effect. I believe, and my experience bears this out, that judiciously creating liberating constraints allows one to have a reserve of energies (mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional) to apply when the unexpected arises and needs to be addressed.

You can see some of my favorite Rian Doris videos and other interesting takes on Flow in my Flow playlist.



Scott S Nelson, IT Therapist
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