Artists in the Blockchain Era

How can FRESCO be useful to Artists?

5 min readMar 13, 2018


“Loving Vincent,” the recent 2018 Oscar nominees for Best Animated Feature, in memory of brings us back to the time of his this legendary artist and explore Vincent Van Gogh’s last moment in his life. Vincent Van Gogh, an artist that well-known for his tragic life story as a misunderstood genius and his suicide at the age of 37 under solitude and poverty. Although he produced thousands of vibrant artworks, capturing the liquidity of flight and shadow, he couldn’t sell his work or gained the dominant art group’s recognition. He depended on his brother Theo van Gogh’s financial support until his death. Dr. Paul Gachet, his friend and doctor in the late period of Van Gogh’s life, appreciated his work and talent, but he couldn’t explain and sell Van Gogh’s genius to his surrounding.

In real life case or romantic story, most artists struggle to get recognition and to earn from their artistic skills. Third-class Jack Dawson in “Titanic” draws pictures portraits for 10 cents a piece; Edward Munch, the artist produced the “Scream,” suffered trauma and losses from his poverty experience. The world needs an unforeseen platform that brings artists’ voice and works to the public, which is exactly FRESCO, the world’s first blockchain art trust value distribution network, will do.

Here are three cases explaining what FRESCO can bring to the artists and how FRESCO achieve those functions.

1. Promote Works Through FRES Trust

It is not rare to hear about how a galleries, a dealer, or critic discovered a master in their dim basement studios. Local galleries have a limited clientele while mega galleries mostly focus on established and mid-career artists. Artists are usually stuck at a passive position in the market, allowed few platforms to promote themselves except for waiting to be spotted. FRESCO makes possible a self-initiated promotion campaign by artists.

Simply get FRES Cash, distribute an amount to a work, and its value is marked as FRES trust. With the distribution of FRES Cash, artists decide which works to be featured in the FRESCO headline and collectors’ search results.

Importantly, FRES trust is not about an artist’s grading of the artwork, but their trust on its prospect. FRESCO understands how upsetting it can be to put artists and their works in some competition or ranking. With FRES trust, artists enjoy complete freedom in promoting their works without having to equal the trust value with a bold price tag.

Example 1:

Martin is an Austrian painter in his early thirties. He finds it hard to pay for the studio and living expenses, as he has sold few works since graduating from art school due to a lack of access to the market. With FRESCO, Martin is embracing a new career. He bought 5,000 tokens (FRES Cash), spent 1,000 on one of his favorite paintings and split the rest among his other available works. All the works Martin presented are marked with a clear trust value allocated by himself. Martin no longer needs intermediaries to retell and rearrange his story. He can finally address his ideas to an ever-larger audience amongst the general public.

2. Exhibit Works Digitally

FRESCO indulges your wildest dreams in the art world. Users can click on an image, grasp all its history, talk to the artist and make a purchase all at once. Artists can upload any of their works onto the homepage, providing all the detailed information and images, and forming an immersive solo show experience, instead of fighting for attention and an exhibition opportunity in the gallery space.

Example 2:

Martin has been seeking public exposure from all sorts of social media, only to be frustrated with all the overwhelming information without a clear reference to tell the good from the mediocre. On Martin’s homepage on FRESCO, all the works are catalogued clearly. Compared to traditional exhibition spaces, being exhibited on FRESCO means a place in the massive narrative of global art history.

3. Facilitate Search and Transaction

In the traditional art market, only a relatively small part of the total amount a buyer pays goes to the artist. Gallery shares, taxes, and commissions for consultants sometimes add up to a striking number. FRESCO largely reduces the unnecessary cost and welcomes more art lovers to enter the market. Anyone, from anywhere at any time, can access the uploaded artworks. Art is easy to search and to acquire through FRESCO, as long as an artist is in the network.

Example 3:

After Martin uploads his available works and distributes his FRES cash onto them, all the users on FRESCO get to see the featured artworks and, if desired, browse through all his works. Camila, a Spanish collector, contacted Martin five hours later to inquire about the price and his oeuvre. Camila explained that she found this fresh and intricate work by Martin when browsing through the top valued works on FRESCO.




The world’s first Blockchain Art Asset Network.