Dear Series NO.1: Artists & Collectors

Time to change up the tone.

4 min readApr 12, 2018


To better help you share what we do at FRESCO, we specially prepared the text version:

Dear Artist,

I love you with my full heart, your talent, your confidence, and your intuitiveness. I love all the moments you wonder, you struggle, and at last, when the day comes, you shine.

Today, I’m here to embrace you with my warmest hug. I know, with you, we can rock the world together.

I still remember the days just after your graduation, the days when you put in every effort to polish your website and Instagram account and grabbed every possible chance to chat with a fancily dressed gallery guy; the days when you happily celebrated a newly scheduled show, only to find that some snobbish institutional director allocated little space and time for you so that more press could go to the man of the day; and last time when two renowned galleries contacted you and invited you to go with them, you were cheered up but were also hesitant about the promised share and the way they would represent your image.

It hurts me to see all these frustrations, especially the blue look on your face and a deep sigh in your cramped studio at night.

I’ve bee thinking that maybe we need a better world to deserve you in our mundane life, a world without centralized power and unwanted opaqueness.

Now I see this new world coming, a world where you’ll call me by your name. From today on, I announce us Damon and Pythias. We’ll go hand in hand to solve all the distrust and unfairness.

I promise to indulge your wildest dreams in the art world. Your suitors can click on a work of yours, grasp all its history, talk to you and make a purchase all at once.

To award your sincere suitors with more incentive, we’ll craft together certificates so they can buy a digital edition of your work and trade the editions for profit. In this way, they can add Trust values to promote you and sponsor your career with gold. I know how crazily people will love you.

I promise to stand up for the provenance of all your works. My family, the mysteriously reputed blockchains, will track your works’ movement across the world. I’m not a stalker, I assure you. I simply want to see to the safety and clarity of your creation in a most foolproof way.

Spring’s around the corner. Hope you’ll dance with me in this garden of Eden.



Dear Collector,

Don’t panic, please. I’m not writing to ask you for an invitation to some private dinner or a huge sum of money to fund a show.

Instead, I think we are better off together.

I’m the one who sees your upset behind all those lavish benefits and parties. I know you’ve had enough of the supposed or fabricated history of ownership, the flamboyant work descriptions that aim to confound you, and the exhausting process of verification from galleries that take centuries.

I saw how you had a long face with your art advisor when you waited for 3 months to get a painting you crave for, just because you were considered probably not “prestigious” enough to afford and well preserve certain blue-chip artists. Trust me, I can shorten it to 3 minutes. You can prove your passion and devotion to art collecting with the least effort possible.

I saw how your 10-year-old daughter chuckled when she got home and found you grappling with a hill of exhibition catalogues and publications, merely trying to find out the true value of an artwork. Believe it or not, your daughter can now discern the value of a work with my help.

I saw how you were hesitating about placing the bid or saying yes to a work. You truly appreciate it but were not exactly sure what proportion of your hard-earned money would go to this artist you’d like to support. What if I tell you that all the middlemen can be cut off and an artist is accessible to 100 percent of your payment?

And there’s more.

You can now make money out of your collection while retaining its full ownership. With FRES Trust and FRES Edition, two of your most lovable friends in the future, you can offer editions of digital certificates from a Picasso in your living room. Ready for the best part of it? You’ll enjoy watching the whole world promote its value, a value that will show in your wallet.

If you’re not addicted to the stacks of paperwork on an art loan, or the boisterous air in an auction house, or the thousands of tentative conversations back-and-forth in a prolonged resale battle, try me. I’ll never fail you.

Dante has her Beatrice, and now you have me.






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