FRESCO ICD Test V2 Release In 5 Hours!

Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2018

Proof-Of-Work that requires your art knowledge, time to amp up the game!

Proof-Of-Work At Its Finest

FRESCO ICD Test gets harder each week to stay true to the POW concept!ICD Test V2 will open in 5 hours at 04/28/2018 3AM UTC. ICD Test V1 will close at 04/28/2018 2AM UTC.

Please plan accordingly. You can only do the test once!

To Test Passers

We are distributing tokens as fast as the ETH network permits:

Sometimes we are paying 4 Gwei for each transaction and still waiting for 30 minutes to send out to 120 ETH address because of the network limit, but we will get it done, please wait patiently. Now it takes 3–4 days for the tokens to be distributed, and with the increasing bots activity and people who try to do test more than once, our speed has slowed down a lot to ensure each community member has a fair chance of participation.

To Bots & People Who Try to Do The Test Multiple Times

Guys, we sincerely hope you look at the bigger picture if you are trying to sign up with bots or doing the test multiple times. Because if your extra tokens will mean we lose a community supporter who should have got his share after doing the test. We want to build a global community around the art, with 140,000+ people wanting to have more access to the art world, and if everybody doing the bots & trying to do multiple times this community will not achieve its full network effect, and our voice will be significantly diminished.

So if you received extra tokens, please kindly return to FRESCO’s contract address:

A true community is not just about being geographically close to someone or part of the same social web network. It’s about feeling connected and responsible for what happens. Humanity is our ultimate community, and everyone plays a crucial role.


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