In The Name Of Art, No Intervention on FRES Price

Published in
5 min readJul 12, 2018

FRES (FRESCO token) is listed on the FCoin GEM on July 11, 2018. at an opening price of 0.00004 ETH.

Although the price has dropped to 0.000017 ETH after the launch, our team insists on not intervening the price.

No market cap management, no trading bots.

We do not intervene the market because we want people who don’t understand art and FRESCO to give up their tokens now.

We do not intervene the market because we want people who understand art and FRESCO to get FRES at a price as low as possible.

Unlike many other projects, FRESCO didn’t seek to be listed on any exchange.

In today’s market, where most exchanges ask for ridiculous listing fee, we’d rather use that money to sponsor emerging artists, fund art museums, and establish strategic partnership with art organizations rather than spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for an entrance ticket.

FRESCO is here for the art industry.

The blockchain technology is just a tool for us to make the art world better.

We are not here to pump & dump tokens.

A number of art lovers and collectors wrote to us with long messages and expressed their appreciation for FRESCO.

“Hi Ting (Our Co-Founder), I am so happy to connect with you and FRESCO. I feel that FRESCO is a great endeavor to bridge art with the latest technology. I have always been thinking about how art could be combined with the newest technological developments. Seeing news of FRESCO, I’ve been trying to contact you as soon as possible. I totally agree with this path you are going along.

Since the beginning of 2014, I have organized art symposiums on Western paintings in Beijing, most of which are museum lectures and casual salons. Because art history is not a primary demand in life, we could only attract a limited number of people to attend our events. After seeing what FRESCO is doing, I truly hope to try new ways of popularizing art.

My idea of organizing these events originated from my childhood exposure to Western art. I was mesmerized when I first visited Europe where the art scene, the architectures, and the sculptures were so mesmerizing. And the most important part of it was the absolute enthusiasm for art among the public.

Most art museums offer visitor guides in various languages, including Japanese and Korean, but not necessarily Chinese. This makes me reflect on the lagging development of art education in our country; yet in this lack, I also saw a huge potential for FRESCO’s future.”

Any diligent reader can tell that FRESCO’s writings are different from other braggart content prevailing in the blockchain world. We refuse to sell hollow concepts and technology fantasies, rather, we have always sticked to clarity and earnestness in explaining the art industry. Seeing both problems and effective solutions, we’re devoted to opening up the art market.

We hope to find a centralized exchange (CEX) that allows people in the art industry to get FRESCO tokens as easily as buying stuff on Amazon since the operation on current decentralized exchanges (DEX) is harrowingly complex.

The main reason we listed on the FCoin is that even if the gas fee of making the GPM listing reached hundreds of thousands of dollars, the total cost is still much lower than the listing fees of the top 20 exchanges on CoinMarketCap.

Some exchanges do not directly ask for the listing fee. Alternatively, they request the community voting fee in form of their own platform tokens, promotion fee, and other fees that wants to squeeze the very last bit from a blockchain project’s wallet.

As the world’s exchange with the largest trading volume, FCoin is our ideal choice in this case.

We distributed our tokens for free in FRESCO ICD. Our ICD is a combination of online and offline Proof-Of-Work (PoW), requiring people to do the art test and follow requirements of art visits or conversations. The test escalated in its difficulty each week.

In this way, we created the world’s first token mining system based on art knowledge.

We successfully attracted around 100,000 people globally search about Andy Warhol and Basquiat in the past two months. We feel quite honored that such a huge group of people want to learn about a particular work of an artist and figure out why unique artworks are usually priced higher than multiples.

The first step of art expansion is to let the public know about the big names in the art industry and that their works are accessible. Not all pieces of Picasso are over $50 million; some of them are sold at around £5,000.

If we intervened the FRES price on FCoin, those from the art industry might not afford the FRES easily.

Not all the people in the art industry are rich; a large number of artists live in a mediocre and harsh condition but are still trying to continue their art career.

Most artists do not lack art trainings and skills, but the opportunities to be discovered and promoted.

If the artist is fortunate enough to be promoted by a renowned gallery, he or she might gain a position in leading museums, auction houses, and famous collections.

For those less fortunate, to make a living from art can only keep being a dream.

Such model of promotion has been functioning for hundreds of years.

But today, with the emergence of global wealth and blockchain technology, more talented artists should have the chance to be recognized and promoted in decentralized ways!

At FRESCO, we see how the blockchain technology could promote these artists globally, and we’re determined to realize it.

We are confident about everything we are doing because by abandoning ICO, we see unlimited possibilities for FRESCO in the art industry.

We are here to reaffirm that we will not participate in any speculation and fickleness in the cryptocurrency market.

Thank you for supporting us, if you want to share your FRESCO story, please comment below.


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