Introducing FRESCO Art Award — The World’s First Blockchain Art Award

Published in
7 min readMay 22, 2018

The stage is set & ready, let the global artists shine!

FRESCO & Elastos join forces to create FRESCO Art Award, the world’s first blockchain art award.

With 500 ELA and 1,000,000 FRES offered to the winning artists (The FRESCO 5), we are creating one of the largest art prizes to discover talented artists at a global scale.

The World’s First Blockchain Art Award

The art world has long been issuing awards to support the artistic creation, but most awards are being voted only by an exclusive committee.

Instead of seeking comments from an influential critic or a mega gallery that may have a conflict of interest or a controversial judgment, FRESCO Art Award opens up the promotional channel for everyone. Each talent is recognized and supported by the public.

The award breaks off from the traditionally centralized approach, where the selection is based on established reputation, market acceptance, or the decisive opinion of an individual.

Top 5 artists will be selected for the FRESCO Art Award. Artists of any medium can participate. That means the artist can create paintings, sculptures, digital art… The artist has absolute freedom on the artistic medium!

The theme will be “Blockchain”.

The winning artists will be selected from overall public support (Likes, comments, retweets) from social media platforms including Medium, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram along with the final community voting. We stay true to the decentralized nature, letting people select the which artists deserve the award.

Award Open Selection Phase

(05/22/2018 11PM UTC — 08/22/2018 11PM UTC)

To enter the FRESCO Art Award, the artist must:

(1) Create an (or a series of ) artwork that reflects the theme “blockchain ”. It can be about FRESCO, Elastos, cryptocurrency, or blockchain technology and its impact to human beings in general.

(2) Have >0.1 ELA tokens in ELA Wallet and >0.1 FRESCO tokens in ERC-20 wallet

(3) Have proof of passing the FRESCO Art Test *No longer required after the competion of FRESCO Art Test V5!

(4) Communicate with the world via selected social media platforms to document his or her artwork creation process and showcase the artwork during the award selection phase, including:

(a) Write Medium articles about the artwork (3 articles or more)
-Articles that explains the artist’s creation process and the artwork itself.

(b) Create Youtube Videos about the artwork (3 videos or more):

(c) Create Twitter Posts about the artwork (3 posts or more)

(d) Create Instagram Posts about the artwork (3 posts or more)

The artist needs to include #FRESCOArtAward after each social post. Please make sure each of the tagged posts are directly related to the artwork or its creation process otherwise they will be disqualified.

Each of the artist’s #FRESCOArtAward social post will be calculated for points based on the number of likes, comments and retweets.

Instagram/Twitter/Youtube Likes: 1 point per like
Youtube Views: 1 point per view
Twitter Retweets: 1 point per retweet
Instagram/Twitter/Youtube/Medium Comment: 2 points per comment

*The points will stop counting at 08/22/2018 11PM UTC
*We will verify each artist’s social post, if spam likes & comments found, we will automatically disqualify the artist.

(5) Once the artist is ready to submit his or her entry, please email and with the subject: “FRESCO Award Entry — Your Full name”.

The email should include the artwork description, photos & videos, all URLs containing his or her #FRESCOArtAward posts, artist full name, social media profile, ELA wallet address, FRES wallet address and phone number.

In order to be eligible for FRESCO Art Award the artist must provide all information required, otherwise he or she will be automatically disqualified.

Award Final Selection Phase — The FRESCO 100

(08/25/2018 11PM UTC — 09/09/2018 11PM UTC)

The top 100 finalists will be selected based upon the final points from the public support and be recognized as The FRESCO 100.

Through out history, promotion has always been a part of the art creation, from Dali to Warhol to Picasso, art is inseparable from the populist support.

After the top 100 finalists are announced, FRESCO will showcase their artworks on the official social media platforms and on FRESCO website under FRESCO.WORK/FRESCO100, with each artist’s description, social profile and their artwork details.

People can directly vote for their favorite in the 100 finalists. Each person has only one vote. We will disqualify the finalist if cheating of vote occurs.

Award Prizes — The FRESCO 5

Top 5 most voted artists from the FRESCO 100 will win FRESCO Art Award and be recognized as the FRESCO Five:

First Place Winner will receive 500 ELA & 500,000 FRES,

Second Place Winner will receive 300,000 FRES,

Third Place Winner will receive 120,000 FRES,

Fourth Place Winner will receive 60,000 FRES,

Fifth Place Winner will receive 20,000 FRES.


FRESCO is the world’s first blockchain art digital asset network.

Through blockchain technology and Elastos’ operating system, FRESCO enables liquidation, promotion, and provenance of artworks at a global scale.

FRESCO mainly consists of FRES artwork trust value (FRES Trust) and FRES artwork blockchain digital copyright (FRES Edition). FRES Trust is a blockchain-based art value measurement system. FRES Edition is the limited digital assets copyright issued by artwork holders on FRESCO platform.

FRESCO is launching the world’s first ICD (Initial Coin Distribution), distributing 300 million FRESCO tokens to the global community free of charge. Through this process, FRESCO will enable nearly 150,000 people to learn and understand the art world. This is something even world’s leading art institutions can’t achieve.

Through FRES Trust and FRES Edition, FRESCO manages to expand the art investment population to the whole world and therefore pushes the art market to an unprecedented level.

About Elastos

Elastos was founded by Chen Rong and Han Feng, who’re pioneers in the global blockchain industry. It’s the first operating system that can pass blockchain’s credibility to user’s day-to-day scenes in the world. With blockchain as the credible foundation, combined with Elastos’ sandbox isolation mechanism and network isolation mechanism, digital assets can be identified, made scarce, trade-able and consumable so everyone can own digital assets and profit from it, in order to make the internet a smart economic-ecological sphere.

Elastos can protect digital content and user’s privacy from being compromised, leaked, or stolen. And blockchain can issue ID (warrants) for digital content to confirm the property rights and transactions. The two combined can provide the economic foundation of “private property rights” for the Internet in the information age. Only on the basis of clear property rights can we develop the economy and productive forces.

Han Feng, one of Elastos’ founders, is a lifetime member of the Bitcoin Foundation, the author of “Blockchain: Quantum Wealth View”, the General Secretary of the Asian Blockchain DACA Association, and the Chinese partner of the United States Oracle Education Foundation. He also had served as the head of one of Tsinghua University’s key projects. Chen Rong is the founder/planner of the Elastos project. He has 8 years working experience in Microsoft’s operating system team. He’s been working on the research & development of operating systems since 2000. Elastos has established strategic partnerships with Bitmain and NEO. It’s highly popular in the international society. Elastos is also in the process of negotiations with companies from USA, UK, and Japan.

Chen Rong and Han Feng believe that a decentralized and fully automated smart economy requires a secure and usable operating system to reach consensus. Elastos is able to “separate trust and computing” to make large decentralized apps (DApp) have both “usability” and “trustworthiness”. It solves the issue of limitation of the existing blockchain system, which is highly coupled with the smart contract virtual machine feature. It ensures that decentralized applications can run on a high-performance, reliable and secure “wealth internet.”


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The world’s first Blockchain Art Asset Network.