Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2018

FRESCO announces the world’s first ICD (Initial Coin Distribution), distributing 300 million FRESCO Tokens for free.

FRESCO is doing the world’s first ICD (Initial Coin Distribution), a significant step in blockchain history, changing from Crowdfunding to Crowdgiving.

300,000,000 FRES tokens, every single one of them planned for ICO (Initial Coin Offering), will be distributed to the FRESCO community supporters in ICD.

Absolutely for free, $0.

No donations, we are even paying the gas fee.

Join FRESCO ICD here : http://fresco.work/ICD

Each successful applicant will get 2,000 FRES for free.

Here at FRESCO, we want to give our tokens to the community supporters globally, to those who want to use FRESCO to make the art world better.

You can read more about our decision here:

Details on what you should do to be eligible for the FRESCO ICD:

1. Fill out the form below using a valid frequently used email address

2. Enter your social media handles and follow FRESCO on those platforms, we need your support to let more people know about us!

3. Pass the FRESCO Community Test, 100 questions (1 point each) about the art world and FRESCO’s concepts. A passing grade is 80 points.

Through this test, we hope to let 100,000+ people know more about the art world in a month, a feat that cannot be even accomplished by major art institutions, talking about the impact of blockchain!

4.Provide your ERC-20 compatible Ethereum address — it should be an ERC-20 compatible wallet such as MyEtherWallet, MetaMask, Ethereum Wallet, Mist, etc. (Please note that we will NEVER ask you for your Private Key nor will we be asking for any donations from you in order to receive the Airdrop).

Every successful participation entry will receive 2,000 FRESCO Tokens.

Being very transparent and always keep the community’s interest at utmost priority convinces us at FRESCO to announce ICD today.

And behold, a journey on the blockchain art highway is ongoing, glad to have you guys join the ride!





The world’s first Blockchain Art Asset Network.