We Need You To Get FRESCO Listed On FCoin, The Mega Exchange With $17.3B Daily Volume!

Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2018

Dear FRESCO community supporters,

We are very close to get FRESCO listed on FCoin GPM section.

FCoin is the new & trending innovative exchange with very high volume, $17.3 Billion daily!

How to vote?

We need your to register on FCoin, then send FRES to your own FCoin GPM deposit address, that counts as one vote for FRESCO.

Your FRES will be very safe on FCoin, and you can withdraw after FRESCO gets listed! (FCoin is founded by Mr.Jian Zhang, ex-CTO of Huobi.)

Even 1 FRES deposit will count as active vote! We suggest you send 5 FRES or more just in case.

We currently have around 14000 community deposit votes, still need around 50000 community deposit votes to be at the top of the list.

About FCoin GPM

The listing rule of FCoin GPM adopts the mechanism of “The cumulative deposit number ranking”. From now on till 0:00 on July 1st, 2018, the tokens with top 20 total number of deposit accounts will be eligible for the first listing on the FCoin GPM on July 2, 2018. We will open the ranking page on June 28, 2018 (Note: Before the page goes online, the number of deposit accounts will normally accumulate). After July 1st, 2018, we will count the top 5 of the “The cumulative deposit number ranking” at 0 points each day, and will list these tokens on the second day. The duration of this listing rule is subject to future announcements.

Gas Fee, we need community effort!

Each day top 5 companies by deposit votes will get listed on FCoin, and the deposit vote will accumulate.

We have a very large community, and many of you have called for an exchange with very high volume, now the opportunity is within our reach, we just need your support!

The gas fee is quite high, but as a non-ICO token, we have proven our community-focus approach, if you passed FRES ICD or acquired FRES via decentralized exchanges, you know the volume on FCoin will generate a new level of exposure for our community!

Sending your FRES to your own FCoin deposit address with 100Gwei or even higher, costing only $1–2 USD, but the benefit of each community member deposit their own FRES will far outweigh this small gas cost!

Thank you all, let’s make this happen!

FRESCO ICD: http://fresco.work/icd

FRESCO Whitepaper: http://fresco.work/whitepaper

FRESCO Twitter: https://twitter.com/fresco_network

FRESCO Telegram Community Talk: https://t.me/fresco_community_talk

FRESCO Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/fresco_network




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