a poem in the making

Fresh Darlings
Published in
1 min readMar 30, 2017
from Pinterest.com

Night nigh’d, day drown’d, i’ th’ dusky ayre
sky topaz’d, cloudless, mist from the strings of a lyre,
fingers rosy wrung ‘em, those of Hespera’s
varnishe’d, radiance mor’ than in the dreamy vistas
Eureka-d by the bard wand’ring i’ th’ untrod-den woods,
and Eurus laden with a mild essence of wet-earth stood
charm’d, whence may a’ came,
a palace serene, torquis’d, so adorn
in beaut, that for gross and scope, a’ queri’d not its name,
so amaz’d and spellbound was a’ to see it there, forlorn…..

