Her Memory

Kathleen Clarke Anderson
Fresh Darlings


She will always see you

in the blue of the sea glass

on the island

the sharp shells sticking

up at low tide

She will always hear you

when the chalk squeaks

out spelling words

in real schoolrooms

not make-believe bedrooms

She will always see you

shaking your head

that smile and grin because

you knew truth in numbers

She will always feel you

in the granite of the

kitchen counter strong

resolute watchful unwavering love

for all who dwell there

She will always taste you

as traditions carry on

unrelentingly forward

pushed upon by time

because they should

(#5 Voice)




Kathleen Clarke Anderson
Fresh Darlings

“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise.” Sylvia Plath