Seeking Freedom

Nancy E. Pitts
Fresh Darlings
Published in
1 min readApr 19, 2017

Fresh Darlings Prompt #6 Abecedarian

from Pexels

Abject sadness in self-imposed prison, I await the
beckoning, for my
confused confidante’s
dauntless intrusion into this
exclusive space.

glare upon furrowed brow appears
haughty and
intense — actually
just afraid to share, to desire
kindness, to
lower watchful guard.

My soul understands there is
no need to
obscure longing, to
push intimacy aside. I
quiet the fears.
Realizing reclusiveness builds boundaries.

Seeking balance, I cannot continue to
tread lightly — ever-aware that
until amenable to considering closeness,
veritable endearment eludes.

Wonderment awaits. Traveling the
xeric’s road parallels holding
yearning hostage. Manifesting love with
zealous abandon, soon I will be free.

