Trinity of my ‘being’

the Revealing.

Fresh Darlings
2 min readMay 9, 2017


untitled sculpture by Taiji Taomote. artpeople gallery. If I could, I’d name it ‘

My parents were born as cousins under the same roof.
No, not incest. Royal Christian or Moslem fashion.
fast forward..
A kid was confused to grow up;
all of ’em are. This one wanted to be a wizard.
fast forward..
Back in 2k15, I penned down dying,
wanted to earth by Chaucer’s side
at the poetic haven, Westminster Abbey.
Ah, I wish!

With a citric Japanese sundown to the background
a Sakura lands softly on the mirrored lake,
an enlarging wave on my taste-buds.
I read of an NYC journalist in a tiny ‘marsh town’ in N. Carolina,
who, trying to find the supposed spirits
finds love of his life instead.
And once in a carnival at Macondo,
in awe of all these gypsies and their worldwide wonders,
when one Armenian proclaimed
‘Melquiades is dead’,
succumbing to the fever on the beach of Singapore
I was lost.

She don’t see her perfect,
don’t understand she’s worth it
or that beauty goes deeper than the surface.

She be a ‘femme King Lear’ of the later acts.
I say, Bend your perspective,
no, not your eyes; view!
on an angle till the thrushing thatch appears green again,
flushing fields within; that’s when your conscience
been notched up to true beauty.
And yeah,
what scares you, doesn’t kill you,
it simply scares the shit outta ya.
List them and try to get the strength against: at the top,
“aging!” ‘really,
that’s so naive’
“judging, yes that too. Anyway I’m still young, so be it.”
hmmm… so you fear dying!’
“dying? no, no.

This poem is an answer to 10 of the 20 Questions prompt.

