
…a Haibun§

Fresh Darlings
1 min readFeb 12, 2017


Dante e Virgilio nel Cocito, Commedia, Inferno Canto XXXII (La Divinia Commedia di Dante Alighieri illustrata da Gustave Dore — Sonzogno, 1887)

In the faint Infernal gloaming, Dante escorts Mr Pound, through thick and thins, pards and other bards, through entwines of shadows.

As the chill of the night bends and dips the little flowers into the Styx, the warm waters of the Achæron, as they detach the autumnal leaves from the bough, as the cranes take their flight of longevity, chanting together, the tourist and his host move along, towards the light, discussing things in silence. They move over the waters, with dry soles, bottomed by stones and a thousand ruined souls.

pray for the sins done,
and those that you’ve invented —
Dive into Lethe.

*highly inspired, based and backed by Dante Alighieri’s Inferno and Ezra Pound’s ‘Homage to Sextus Propertius, VI’.

…and a recent inspiration from Mike Essig’s

that was one hell of a library of every nerd’s dream😉

