What color is freedom?

Laura H
Fresh Darlings
Published in
1 min readMay 3, 2017

The freedom to push you around,

and I will, and I will.

But wasn’t my resolution to be calmer,

to do more yoga?

Observe purple fields of flowers and feel

at peace?

Be comfortable in heels

pushing that six foot commonly acceptable social barrier?

I used to reach

for the things I wanted,

try to take them, make them mine.

From Pixabay.com

All it got me was tipping canoes

as I reached for lily pads that didn’t need me,

that didn’t need to be mine.

They wanted freedom.

So they took it, and they tipped me into the water with them,

to feel what they felt.

But it made me tremble.
How did I end up loving swimming,

when one of my earliest memories is almost drowning in a plant filled river?

The billboard god wants me to think a blue smoothie will solve

all my problems, tranquilize me,


Give me a burning red cardinal -

noticeable from a mile away,

but ready to fly on a moment’s notice,

it chooses freedom.

Submitted for Fresh Darlings Writing Prompt, all feedback welcome! Answered personal questions to make into a poem. Do you crave freedom too?



Laura H
Fresh Darlings

Just someone who likes blueberries, maple, and creativity. Exploring fiction-writing and poetry. Frequent traveler and bilingual.