What Was

Kathleen Clarke Anderson
Fresh Darlings


It certainly could have been yesterday
I’m usually
someday we’ll look
back on this
and it will
all seem funny.
Ha ha
Funny in the way
it was strange for
the woman who finally
had it right in front of
her grasp,
just to
be ripped away,
cremated, up in smoke
like a clove cigarette.
Soon to be mingled in the forever forest
space where the roads diverge
so many memories meet.
The crunching snow
rushing water
pine needles whispering
names of the past, nothing of the future
this is our now.

Kathleen Clarke Anderson



Kathleen Clarke Anderson
Fresh Darlings

“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise.” Sylvia Plath