Wine, Woman and Words

Janet Rhodes
Fresh Darlings
1 min readMar 13, 2017


A ghazal

Sitting in a tizzy thinking how to write a ghazal

Writing till I’m dizzy when I really want to nuzzle

God in a couplet, frizzy hair and mostly naked

Trying to fit Mystery into words — a real tussle.

Cerebellum overactive, hyperactive with drink

Wine, poems and prayers intended to dazzle.

Random brain wandering of a lurching drunken one

Beloved, come drink with me — there’s plenty to guzzle

Come, shall we drink? Wine, words and worship?

Come, my dearest one — let’s get fuzzled!

Writing divine verses into a nutshell ghazal

Trying to fit Unspeakable through a tiny nozzle.

A pen is the nozzle reflecting mind’s play

Dripping with ironic ink from the Beloved’s muzzle.

Poems are obese woman in bikini far too small

Dressed for her comfort, indifferent to randy razzle.

Verse in form and God underdressed for the occasion

Words and Beloved — naked, exposed, frazzled.

Photo credit: public domain via Creative Commons



Janet Rhodes
Fresh Darlings

"...With the drawing of this Love and the voice of this Calling..."