Your hw assignment: Famous poems

Fresh Prints College Guide
2 min readJun 16, 2018

Here are some famous poems you should absolutly know before college. If you don’t know them, study up. FP university is in session kids.

Ballin to the day I die

this just to say, roommate by William Carlos Williams

I have eaten

the lucky charms

that were on

your dresser

and which

you were probably


for drunchies.

forgive me

they were delicious

so sweet

and so marshmallowy.

Stopping to creep at a party on the way to the library by Robert Frost

Whose party this is I think I know.

Everyone is a senior though;

They can’t see me stopping here

To crash their party lest they know

The other guests would think it weird

To see uninvited first years

Between SAE and dorm Blake

Is the best place to peak and peer.

Loud music makes the frat house shake

The floors seem as if they might break

the only other sound’s the sweep

Of light wind and degrassi Drake.

This spot is lovely, dark and deep,

But I have a deadline to meet,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.

5 best things to say to your parents when they ask you if they have a summer job ~ a modern poem by anonymous

  1. “I don’t need a job you will pay for me forever!!!” Parent’s love this one. This is a great thing to tell your S.O parent’s as well. Charming.
  2. “It’s only my freshman year I have years to figure out what I want to do. I’m going to take the time I would be working and soul search” gotta respect the hustle little Ms. independent.
  3. “I sent out one resume. I didn’t hear back. I think it’s a sign.” Yesss. Respect. You tried your best. time to move on to bigger and badder thangs
  4. “I don’t have experience so i will never get a job” Know your place, b*tch.
  5. “I’m too worn out from school” Going to class 13 hours a week is so strenuous. You NEED 3 months to recharge. Get it sister.

