How your college job can change your life

Molly Baraff
Fresh Prints
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2017

Your college job can change you life. It’s totally possible. How? You ask. Lemme show you:

1. Teach you some damn good skills

Your college job can teach you real life adulating skills. Ditch those gigs making coffee and walking kids to after school programs. It can be a hands on, real deal job. Skills like email writing, time management, deadline keeping, organization, networking, outreach and more. Your college job can prep you for the post grad lifestyle that will sneak up on you before you know it.

2. Easier time getting a job

Breaking into the job market is tough. Sorry bud. But having a college job will give you a leg up to get a job in the future. Your college job can be a huge resume booster and will look great to future employers.

You could, for example, be an academic tutor.

3. Easier time moving within that job

Not only will it be easier for you to get a job, you’ll have an easier time moving up in the job because you’ll already have prior work experience! Good for you!

Maybe you could put those artsy skills of yours to good use and help out by photographing big events at school!

4. Give you money

College is expensive. Post grad is expensive. Life, my friend, is expensive. It’s gonna be super nice to have some extra cash in your pocket and getting a job is really going to help you out. Your college job by no means has to be a unpaid internship. You deserve to make the big bucks and it is going to be really nice to have some extra money saved aside when it’s time to furnish your post grad apartment.

Lots of companies are looking to higher hip youngsters to run their social media accounts as social media managers.

5. Meet cool people

You’re going to meet new people — coworkers to bond with, laugh with, grow with and work hard with. And your going have bosses who you look up to and strive to impress with your killer work ethic. But most of all these new friends are going to be apart of your growing network and they are going to help you in the future once it’s time to graduate. You’re going to be glad you met them!

Meet loads of people by becoming a campus tour guide. Put those backward walking skills to some good use and hit up the admissions office to see if they have any openings.

If you want a job that hits all five points, you should check out Fresh Prints. We’ll be sure to change your life. We’re a custom apparel startup with more than 120 college students at campuses all over the country who run the business on their campuses. We’re looking for kick ass college Freshmen and Sophomores to join our family! We know you’re interested. Check out some more info here.

