Top 10 Albums of 2016:

Benjamin Snell
Fresh Produce
Published in
6 min readDec 25, 2016

I have, for the past few years, made posts on my Instagram, , listing my favorite albums from the preceding 12 months. I’m now going to make these posts here on Medium, so I can go more into depth. This year has been a phenomenal year of music for me, with records I’ll be coming back to until I die. I branched out farther this year, as I always try to do, into more hip-hop and pop; though, you still won’t see a ton of those genres represented on my list, because I’m a rock’n-roll typa guy. (even though my top album is a pop record) lol. But before I even start talking about this years albums, I would like to apologize to the world for not putting “To Pimp a Butterfly” by Kendrick Lamar on my list last year. As I said, I just this year started listening to hip-hop, so, naturally, “To Pimp a Butterfly” didn’t catch my attention during 2015, and its one of my biggest regrets. The track “Momma” was my number one played song on Spotify this year, and it’s definitely my favorite rap record. Anyways, here’s my list for this year:

10. 24k magic — Bruno Mars

I used to not like this man very much. A few years ago he represented everything I hated about music, but now I cannot stop listening to him. I don’t know whether he changed or I changed, but all I can say is that I like this album.

9. Coloring Book — Chance the Rapper

I believe this is the first rap album to ever make my top albums list. This record has such good vibes, and is my go-to Call of Duty soundtrack.

8. Standards — Into it. Over it.

I’ve always loved Into it. Over it. Basically anything Evan Weiss touches I love. Into it. Over it. was one of the first emo bands I got into and was definitely a huge influence on me. Evan’s other bands Their / They’re / There and Pet Symmetry (whose LP “Pets Hounds” took my number 5 spot on my 2015 list) are two of my favorites as well. Into it. Over it.’s first two full lengths “Proper” and “Intersections” are two of my favorite records of all time and very inspirational to me. I have to admit, I was a little disappointed with “Standards,” simply because I was anxiously awaiting another hard-hitting rock album. However, I now really appreciate the mix of the classic Into it. Over it. sound with a more mellow, sad vibe. I was fortunate enough to see Into it. Over it. live, back in October, and they were amazing (though sadly they were the opening act, so they didn’t play for as long as I would have liked.)

7. LP2 — American Football

I don’t know what else to say other than “American football dropped a record this year.”

6. Cardinal — Pinegrove

This band is crazy good. My second biggest regret, next to not including Kendrick’s album, is not including Pinegrove’s last album “Everything So Far” on my 2015 list. I’m addicted to this band, especially the song “Aphasia” off of Cardinal, which I’ve listened to a shameful amount of times.

5. The King of Whys — Owen

Ridiculously beautiful album. Always loved Owen/everything else Mike Kinsella has done, and I love S.Carey and everything Sean Carey has done, so putting them together made this, and it’s magnificent.

4. You Wouldn’t Believe What Privilege Costs — Civilian

I just recently found this band, actually right before they released this album, and I decided to keep up with them because one of my favorite drummers was recording with them. This record has everything I could want. Its just so fun to listen to.

3. You Were Made for Love — Abe Yellen

This is my go-to car ride jam. This is basically an extension of Night Beds’ “Ivywild,” which was my favorite album of last year. Dreamy vocals, hip-hop vibe, and clean production are things I love, and this album has them all.

2. 22, A Million — Bon Iver

The album art alone… such a cool record. I listened to “715 — CREEKS” 715 times the first week this album was released. Justin Vernon’s vocals will never get old, but it’s a good thing to see the instrumentals underneath him evolving. The last two albums blend together in my mind, which is in no way a bad thing, because I love the sound of both of those records, but, at the same time, having a third album of the same mould would have taken away from the first two. Coming back to the track “715 — CREEKS,” it’s amazing to me how Vernon can make a 3-minute song with only vocals grasping to the point that I would listen to it multiple times. Just such a cool sound. Also, I hate Anthony Fantano.

1. I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware Of It — The 1975

The 1975 continue to blow me away. Although they are “generic pop,” they’re completely different than everybody else. Their debut album “The 1975” is probably one of my favorite albums of all time; I’ll never stop listening to it. They utilize standard pop elements, yet have their own magic that is indescribable. George Daniels is a monster. Matty Healy is a genius. They just know what to do. I saw them in concert this summer, and they blew my mind. Basically, they’re everything good about pop. Pop, and most music these days, has been following the 80’s trend, and I’m personally very into it. It’s the same sound that made me change my mind about Bruno Mars, and a sound that I think the 1975 pushed along with “The 1975” and now are pushing further with this record. Also, I hate Anthony Fantano.

