New Book: Deciding What’s Next — Prioritization With Confidence

A guidebook for product teams to prioritize work and deliver the best possible value to users.

Heath Umbach
Fresh Tilled Soil
2 min readMay 4, 2018


When we started writing about prioritization, and our team produced the best seller Product Roadmaps Relaunched, we already had an idea that prioritization was on people’s minds. What surprised us was how much space it occupied in the average product team’s daily operations.

So why write another book?

This new guidebook will give teams a quick start on how to discover and prioritize the things that matter most. It’s short, and focused, just like any good prioritization plan.

Prioritization is a big deal for most teams. Getting it wrong has serious consequences. This book might be the most practical and helpful book you read all year.

Download the book now.

Here is a taste of the themes and takeaways you can expect from this free download:

  1. Don’t Overlook Feelings and Emotions: Prioritization often feels personal to those involved. The subjective attachments and emotional value of choosing features need to be addressed.
  2. Managing Executive and Senior Influencers: Senior leaders, investors, stakeholders, and executives have something meaningful to add. However, whenever possible make sure this input is supported by context and data.
  3. Building in Proof Points: Seek methods to shore up your data and research with evidence about what is valuable and what is not. Priorities are easier to filter when you have the facts.
  4. Collaboration, Not Consensus: Get input from all the interested or invested parties, but not at the expense of progress.
  5. Rooting Vision To Practice: Ensure your company or product vision remains at the forefront of all prioritization conversations.
  6. How Not to Prioritize: Gut reactions, isolated sales and support requests, analyst opinions, and out-of-context unit economics are relevant but not critical to prioritization.
  7. Prioritize With Purpose: Feasibility, desirability, and viability are the product leader’s core principles. Use these guides to help filter and prioritize.
  8. Constraint Methodology: Use a finely-tuned process to help filter the work ahead. Constraints are a powerful lens to focus outcomes.
  9. Visual Clues: All journeys require a map. Use themed roadmaps to clarify the steps ahead and remind team members where you’re headed.

Download the book now.



Heath Umbach
Fresh Tilled Soil

Father, husband, coach, mediocre cyclist, Product Marketing at TRUX. I write about product, marketing, and design when I’m not riding bikes.