Cross Country: One Hill of a Sport

Lindsay Maffei
Freshman Opinions & Analyses
3 min readNov 20, 2014

This year, I believe that I have become apart of an important Discourse for a college student. Being a college athlete is a big commitment for an incoming freshman. It includes specific tasks that a student must obtain, and throughout their school year they must keep their grades up and stay well organized. My cross country career started when i was in middle school. I started off hating running like any normal individual would. As my love for this Discourse grew, my skills improved with it.

Cross country is not just about running, it is much more than that. It is probably one of the most difficult sports out there. yes, everyone can run, but its about how fast, consistent and hard working the person is. Cross country is not just about running, it is much more than that. It is probably one of the most difficult sports out there. There are no substitutions or timeouts/ breaks of any sort. Cross country covers a variety of different long distance (5k or 3.1) obstacles. The courses include a variety of different terrain including, muddy puddles, rocky paths, small streams, hills, pavement roads and more. To be successful in the Discourse of cross country It takes motivation, training, teamwork, technique, overall health and being in the right state of mind. This specific Discourse can be related to Gee in many ways. He states “Discourses are ways of being in the world; they are forms of life which integrate words, acts, values, beliefs, attitudes, and social identities as well as gestures, glances, body positions, and clothes” (7). Most of what Gee explains in this passage can be related to how runners must reflect upon cross country. We must have the right mind set, have a positive attitude, value our work from our training and be a good teammate by motivating them and cheering them on. If you want to achieve at this Discourse you must work hard and practice.

James Paul Gee mentions how being apart of something gives you some type of an identity. We notice this when he says “ a Discourse is a sort of “identity kit” which comes complete with the appropriate costume and instructions on how to act, talk, and often write, so as to take on a particular role that others will recognize. Being “trained” as a linguist meant that i learned to speak, think, and act linguist, and to recognize others when they do so” (7). By being on a team, it gives you some type of identity. You could be labelled as an athlete or jock. One must also push through the pain and work hard to be successful. Though being a fast and powerful runner is an advantage, you also need to have the mental ability to finish the race. If you want to be good, you have to train and come up with strategies and techniques that can make you better. Gee has a lot of ideas that can relate to the succesfulness of being a college athlete.

