Veliyana Georgieva

Yoana Blagova
Freshman Stories
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2019

Veliyana Georgieva describes herself as an extroverted, ambitious and creative person who loves to socialize.

“I really need to spend time with people otherwise I will go crazy,” Veliyana says.

However, her only social activity at the moment is studying at the library. Veliyana is diligently preparing for her first midterms at AUBG. “My main priority right now is my draft essay due tomorrow night.”

Choosing AUBG was an easy decision for Veliyana. She didn’t want to leave Bulgaria but she didn’t want to study by the Bulgarian education system.

Even though Veliyana is only 18, she has already tasted the bitterness of life. When she was younger, she was diagnosed with a serious heart condition. “I have dilated cardiomyopathy. Basically, half of my heart works pretty badly.”

Growing up in hospitals made her understand the true meaning of “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Her big inner strength helped her re-gain her life. Her health condition has significantly improved.

“What I’m most proud of is living through the disease and being mentally stable,” Veliyana says.

Today Veliyana is stronger than ever. She lives her life to the fullest and looks forward to the future. She loves drawing, traveling and taking risks. She just got back from her last trip to Kazahkstan.

“If today was my last day, I would grab a ticket and immediately go somewhere,” she says.

Veliyana discovered her biggest passion when she attended Model European Union Sofia in 2017. The simulation sparked her interest in international politics.

“Participating in Model European Union is probably my favorite time of the year. I get to debate on very interesting topics and I meet plenty of new people,” she says.

Her passion for politics brought her to the NGO sector. Currently, Veliyana is a member of three non-governmental organizations: Bulgaria of the Young, which supports the development of Bulgarian youth; BETA Bulgaria, which sponsors and organizes the Model European Union events and 180 Degrees Sofia, which consults local NGOs.

In 2018 Veliyana was part of the organization team of the first Model Republic of Bulgaria.

“We thought it would be useful to have a simulation, dedicated to the Bulgarian political system.”

Veliyana believes in the power of today’s youth. She is optimistic about the future of Bulgaria and is personally determined to make a difference. “I really want to become a famous politician who is different from the current ones.”


Yoana Blagova studies journalism and politics at the American University in Bulgaria. She misses her freshman adventures.

