Black is the New Green

Fresh Menu
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2016

Meet the dark-horse cousin of white and brown rice — the humble Black rice (also known as Forbidden or purple rice). Why humble? Well, that’s because it is not as popular as commonly used white and brown rice and secondly, it is such a powerhouse of benefits, but sadly not many people know about its winning qualities. But don’t worry, we’ll bring you up to speed on that.

Super Duper Food

Hailing from Asia, legend has it that this rice was only reserved for Royalty because of its high-dose of nutrients and health benefits and common people had less or no access to it. Whether there’s any truth in there or not we can’t say. All we can say is that it is a nutrient-dense super food loaded with Iron, Protein and Fibre.

High in Anti-Oxidants

Black Rice is believed to have antioxidant content at par with Blueberries (the reigning queen of antioxidants till date). This is a remarkable but a lesser known feat about the grain. Antioxidants help prevent or delay cell damage caused by free radicals in our body. Hence, all the more reason for you to include this in your diet.

Therapeutic Benefits

Black rice helps suppress inflammation in the body, has high fiber content so good for weight watchers, helps in cholesterol absorption and is good for liver health (phew!), amongst other benefits. Hence, it’s but natural that it be included in your diet!

Start here, Crispy Forbidden Rice Salad


