Food, Fun and Frolic with FreshMenu at Bagmane Tech Park

Fresh Menu
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2016

On the 15th July, 2016, FreshMenu was a part of the tech event held in Bagmane World Technological Park which was organised by Grape Events. This event was the perfect hub for 25 nurturing and top brands.


Lunch is probably the only time of the day a person dedicates his/her whole time to glorious food and we couldn’t help but make the most of it. Therefore, we came up with a game to help every passer by to participate and win something delicious absolutely FREE.


Later, we played the ultimate Ring Your Food game where all the participants had to do ring their favourite food and if succeeded, it was theirs absolutely free.


We engaged with over 500 people. Everyone eager to get their hands on a free dessert, sandwich or burger. This thrilling experience made a lot of people know more about the food they were winning and where can they order it from!


Our on ground staff made this event a total success with their dedication and hard work, made our flow of event and interaction easier and fun!


