Food Hypnosis at WOAP

Fresh Menu
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2016

It was indeed an International Food Fete where came rain or shine, the die-hard foodies just did not stop enjoying themselves. Here’s a play-by-play of Gold Rush World on a Plate in association with FreshMenu.

FreshMenu stall at JW Marriot


Welcome dance before the event began.

Master Chefs unveiling the huge plate which guests were happily posing with.


George doing the Indian ‘head bomb’

And this is how our Dessert corner looked at our very own UB City stall.

…and savouries!


We were proud to be the official Online Delivery Partner for George, Matt and Gary’s dishes. Here you can see Gary’s and Matt’s team impeccably packing their respective dishes. Precision we say!


We spotted a mother-daughter duo beating the heat with something chilled.

On Day 1, we saw the Master Chefs getting candid during tete-a-tete.

George and Matt During their Master Class with the audience.


Our Chocolate Cherry Tarts were selling like hot cakes, so much so, our Chefs had to make them again.

And this ladies and gentlemen is our signature line of gourmet Butters exclusively previewed at the event, and well the foodies loved it! It is coming soon on our menu, watch out!

Our loyal customers who couldn’t stop raving about our food. Well all we have to say is that we equally love you back and will keep innovating to serve you good food, day after day.

