How to make your own Peanut Butter

Fresh Menu
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2016

Two words, Peanut Butter! Everyone, from kids to their grandparents, all love peanut butter (unless they are allergic to peanuts of course! What a tragedy). And hey! What’s not to like anyway? It’s got peanuts.

Making peanut butter is child’s play. Anyone can do it (unless you are freakishly scared of food processors). Make a batch of it and use it at home or package it well and you can gift it to friends and family during the holiday season.

Why peanut butter? This is why -

  • 7g of protein per serving
  • 6 essential nutrients
  • Heart-healthy fats galore!
  • Not high in sodium

You can play with the flavours and add ingredients to make the peanut butter to suit your taste.

To make the classic peanut butter, all you need is one ingredient — Peanuts! If you are trying for a different flavor, then you will need the flavours as well.

What do you need?

[caption id=”attachment_3731" align=”aligncenter” width=”300"]

Roasted Peanuts

Roasted Peanuts[/caption]

[caption id=”attachment_3728" align=”aligncenter” width=”200"]

Food processor

Food processor[/caption]

[caption id=”attachment_3727" align=”aligncenter” width=”300"]

6 minutes of your time

6 minutes of your time[/caption]


  • Add 3 cups of good quality roasted peanuts into a food processor
  • Do not add anything else to this
  • After a minute into blending, you will see that the peanut has now been reduced to fine powder like consistency
  • Continue to blend it for another minute or two. You will now notice that the powder has started forming balls. This is exactly what we want to happen. The essential oils from the peanuts are being released making it a ball
  • Blend for another couple of minutes and you will see the peanut has now become a thick liquid. This means you are on the right track
  • Blend for another minute till you get the consistency that you need and you are done!

Try this one out and do share your story with us in the comments section below.

