King of Salads!

Fresh Menu
Published in
1 min readJul 18, 2016

If you have met the royal, glorious or hearty salad, wait till you meet the deliciously exciting King of Salads — Cobb Salad. Why we call it so? Traditionally made with bacon, chicken, lettuce, eggs, veggies and a hearty-harmonious dressing blending the whole dish together, a meal in disguise? This salad first made its appearance in LA- Hollywood, where this actually gained its popularity in late 1930’s, people generally shooting for other movies and sitcoms used to come down and munch on this one-of-a-kind salad which is said to be invented by Robert Cobb and rest is history.

The Cobb Salad is a low carb dieter’s dream. It’s what all low calorie salads wish they could be. This is a complete meal rather than a light lunch. This platter can fill you up and will leave you satisfied to the fullest. This salad is a perfect way to set away all the guilty pleasures and wash off the extra weekend calories. What are you waiting for? Order now!

_50B9963_Cobb Salad (Non Veg)

Today, indulge in the best of best salad! This gourmet American-garden salad is made with lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, beans, egg and black olives dressed in a sharp and fruity pomegranate cumin dressing. Click here!

