Perks of Avocado!

Fresh Menu
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2016

Light, creamy, rich and fleshy- the versatile and multi-faceted Avocado needs no introduction! Mix it with anything from veggies, salads, dips or smoothies, Avocado has many a culinary uses. Today we have lined up some unique ways in which you can savour this one of a kind fruit with a handful of ingredients. You can thank us later!

  1. Salad: Who would have thought that seasoning a simple butter fruit can make it this addictive. Cut Avocado into two halves length-wise, discard the seed and scoop out the flesh. Add these chunks to any of your favourite salads and you will have yourself a creamy salad at hand.
  2. Smoothie: This little fruit has the potential to give mango and strawberry a run for their money. Add Avocado pieces to a concoction of milk and cream with sugar (as per taste and preference) and blitz. You will have yourself a nutritious drink.
  1. Dips: Guacamole dips are famous around the world as an accompaniment to chips and grills. You can add a twist to it by mixing the fruit with mashed potatoes, salt, pepper and meat of your choice.
  2. Sandwiches: Toasted bread and a buttery soft Avocado on top gives sandwiches a tasty makeover. And the bonus? No worries of post-eating cleaning!

Order from our exciting spread today and write to us if you have some more recipes of your own.

