Six Bizarre Burgers From Around the World!

Fresh Menu
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2016

These burgers see your regular sesame bun and patty and raise the bar. If you’re ever tired of the usual, here are six burgers that will make you rethink your definition of the burger. Besides our own, of course.

The Rice Burger

Let’s start off easy. Not so bad, right? Hold on there — the rice forms the bun, not the patty. Invented by Japanese cafe chain MOS, variants of the rice burger are available at all MOS cafes around the globe. Take two compressed rice-cakes, flavour lightly with soy sauce, and fill it up with anything from shrimp fritters to grilled pork in between.

The Ramen Burger

According to its official website (yes, of course it has one), the Ramen burger consists of a ground beef chuck patty sandwiched between two cooked ramen cakes, which act as the “buns”. The original burger sells at outlets in New York and Los Angeles, but you could try making your own (here’s one recipe). We can also think of all sorts of home-grown varieties — Maggi burgers, anyone?

Burger Grown in a Lab

You probably heard about the burger grown from cow stem cells that cost the slim price of, oh, USD 325,000. Word has it the price is reducing to USD 11, and that the lab-grown meat could be on menus soon. Yea for vegans? Nay? We’re split on this one.

UFOs, Dinosaurs, and Crabzillas

Two French graphic designers decide they’re bored of the standard brown-and-dark-brown burger. What happens next can only be excellent, right? True enough, Fast and Furious — Thomas and Quentin’s burger studio — regularly comes up with bizarre-looking burgers that will form the stuff of your nightmares (check out the Crabzilla or the Jurassic Park) or your dreams (we have our eye on the Fondue Burger). Either way, they’re pushing the limits of the imagination.

Paula Deen’s Heart-Stopper!

Back to the realm of fatty excess: who does fatty excess like American dessert queen Paula Deen? Picture, if you will, a glazed donut “bun,” split to hold a beef patty, topped with bacon, and a fried egg. That’s Paula Deen’s demurely-named Lady’s Brunch Burger. Get the recipe — if you dare — here.

1005 Strips of Bacon

It just keeps getting better (worse for our arteries, that is). When Burger King started offering add-ons of strips of bacon, one brave Japanese reporter decided to order the Whopper with 1050 strips of bacon. That’s right: a burger piled so high with bacon it was tough to balance. Luckily for the reporter’s health, he gave up about halfway through (that’s still a good 500 or so strips, for the record).

