Top 3 Probiotics You Need In Your Life Right Now!

Fresh Menu
Published in
2 min readAug 5, 2016

“What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”. As true as it sounds, our body need bacteria to have a healthy flow of digestion in our body. This scrumptious list will help you not only chose better but also help you digest your food the right way, without compromising anything.

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Apple Cider

Apple Cider[/caption]

Apple Cider Vinegar — As much as we fancy other vinegar in our cooking options, Apple Cider is considerably not a bad option. Containing the rustic and fermented taste from the apple definitely adds the extra kick to your dish. This is inclined more towards the prebiotics which means it make your probiotics a stronger base. This delicious vinegar can be paired with your choice of salads and also can be added to your regular food which gives the extra oomph to your food.

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Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate[/caption]

Dark Chocolate — Who said healthy eating isn’t tasty? This delish is a long lost favorite which we have always indulged as a dessert but this little treat has also been fixing out tummy and making us happy! This delight can be added to a regular tart or or just as a scrumptious chunks of surprise in your cake. This delight also helps you detox
leaving your skin glowing.

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Kimchi Salad

Kimchi Salad[/caption]

Kimchi — All the good things may sometimes come easy in life, just like this tasty Kimchi we indulge in from time-to-time. Easily available, inexpensive and fixes your tummy. This is the core element of any of Asian cuisine be it a main or a starter this delight is paired with any possible dish. For it’s pungent flavour and texture it has been a world-wide favorite.

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