Top 3 Sweet Delights You Should Be Eating Now!

Fresh Menu
Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2016

The direct route to happiness is dessert! Dessert is a course that concludes a main meal and for some the only meal, a tub of ice cream, a classic movie and we are set! Today when Monday blues hit us hard, we need to get right up and treat ourselves with unforgivable, decadent and colorful desserts.

  1. Banana Upside Down Cake — Why you should be ordering this? Let’s be honest we love anything about a cake and it being upside down just gives a better opportunity to bite into exotic flavours faster. This is made with sliced pieces of banana layered with sugar and baked with a cinnamon batter, coated generously with mild caramel. Delicious in every bite!
Banana Upside Down Cake (Contains Egg)
  1. Rainbow Layer Cake — A little sweet and a little color is all we need. Yes, this delight will set all the taste buds ringing to the very last bite. Sponge cake made with strawberry compote on the base, topped with Kiwi cream and mango cream is dusted with pistachio powder. It is so fruity and delicious; you’ll regret having ordered one!
_50B8239_Fruity Layer Cake (Contains Egg) (1)
  1. Baked Black Forest — Nothing is complete without a classic and what better than a German favorite? Ever tasted a baked black forest cake? This deviously good dessert gets better with every bite!
Baked Black Forest (Contains Egg) (1)

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