From Product to Platform-Freshteam grows up

Karthik Kp
Freshworks Developer Platform Blog
2 min readNov 19, 2019
Product to Platform — Freshteam

We are excited to announce that Freshteam and Freshworks Marketplace are now integrated. The Marketplace has over 950 business apps built for Freshworks products. With the Freshteam integration, you can now build Freshteam apps to provide customized solutions for specific business problems. Freshteam is an all-in-one smart HR software trusted by more than 2000 businesses worldwide.

Companies that put their employee satisfaction first aim to have a seamless flow of information across departments such as Talent Acquisition, Payroll, IT, Operations, and so on, to ensure coordinated action. A simple siloed cloud-hosted software cannot do this. The need of the hour is an HR software, with a reliable platform, that has the capability to sync and interact with varied tools. With the Marketplace integration, Freshteam transforms itself into one such reliable platform. From being an intuitive, sleek software to becoming a powerful and fluid product, we have come a long way.

This is as big as it can get :)

What can you do with the Integration?

Freshteam customers and partners can now build their own apps using our Open REST APIs and the Freshworks Developer Kit (FDK). Apps can be hosted on the platform easily at no extra cost. App developers can worry less about managing servers and focus more on building innovative solutions for a business.

From today, you can start building back-end apps. Front-end apps and general availability to all customers are planned early next year. To know more about how to build an app for Freshteam, you can check out our developer documentation resources.

We are eager to see what you build. If you have any queries, do reach out to us at You can follow us by subscribing to the Freshteam blog.

Happy app building! :)

Back-end Apps: Serverless apps that run on the background using REST APIs and event triggers.

For example, an app that syncs employee records between Freshteam and a directory system such as active directory or a computing software such as G Suite.

Front-end Apps: Apps that run on the Freshteam UI.

For example, apps that select the job boards of your choice while publishing a job, display the assessment status from an external tool (such as Hackerrank) on the interview card, or display paystub information on the employee detail page.

