Freshworks App Showcase Series — Ticket Schedules

Tanmay Kapoor
Freshworks Developer Platform Blog
6 min readDec 20, 2023

Apps Supercharged by Freddy Copilot for Developers: Follow the Showcase Series!

We are excited to present another compelling story showcasing innovation: shining a spotlight on our Gen AI-powered apps!

Introducing the Ticket Schedules App in Our Showcase Series

Introducing Ticket Schedules — A Showcase of Freddy Copilot Powered App Development.

A brief about the app: Ticket Schedules is a dynamic application designed to simplify and automate the process of ticket creation, seamlessly integrated with Freshdesk — Freshworks’ customer support software. Leveraging the capabilities of Freddy Copilot for Developers, the app developer was not only able to build and launch the app with ease but also simplified how businesses could schedule ticket generation based on their unique operational requirements, ensuring timely and efficient customer issue resolution.

Let us delve into the app development journey with Arokiya Kithiyon and discover insights about the capabilities of Freddy Copilot for Developers.

Meet Arokiya Kithiyon, the mastermind behind the Ticket Schedules app:

Hello, my name is Arokiya Kithiyon. I am a full-stack JavaScript developer with a passion for creating innovative solutions, and I am part of the team at V Tecknologies.

Tell us about the Ticket Schedules App:

What is the app’s intended functionality and purpose?

The app’s functionality and purpose include:

Customizable scheduling: Ticket Schedules offers versatile scheduling options, allowing users to set specific times, intervals, or triggers for ticket creation. The app ensures tickets are generated promptly as per business workflows.

Time-based scheduling: End-users can schedule the creation of tickets in advance, aligning with specific time frames or conditions. This functionality ensures that tickets are generated precisely when needed, optimizing resource allocation and response times.

Automated ticket creation: By automating ticket creation, the app significantly reduces manual efforts. It streamlines the process, thereby allowing customer support teams to focus on resolving issues promptly.

Reporting and Analytics: Ticket Schedules provides comprehensive reporting and analytics functionalities. Users can track the performance of created tickets, monitor trends, and gain valuable insights to refine their ticket scheduling strategies.

Benefits of Using the Ticket Schedules App:

Improved Efficiency: Automating ticket creation saves time and resources, allowing support teams to handle other critical tasks efficiently.

Enhanced Customer Service: Timely ticket creation helps ensure that customer issues are addressed promptly, which can potentially improve customer satisfaction scores.

Streamlined Processes: The app enhances efficiency by automating repetitive tasks, minimizing errors, and maintaining consistency in ticket creation.

Tools and Technologies Used:

Which programming languages, frameworks, and platforms did you leverage with Freddy Copilot for Developers during your app development?

1. JavaScript: Knowing HTML and CSS well, we effectively leveraged Freddy Copilot for Developers. This allowed us to streamline the front-end development process. Copilot’s contextual suggestions and code analysis proved beneficial in ensuring clean and well-structured markups and styles, contributing to the overall user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of the application.

Freddy Copilot’s support for JavaScript significantly impacted the app’s dynamic functionalities. Its ability to provide real-time feedback, suggest optimizations, and identify potential errors within our JavaScript codebase enhanced the quality and performance of the app’s client-side scripting.

2. jQuery: Leveraging Freddy Copilot for Developers alongside jQuery, a popular JavaScript library, further enriched our development experience. Copilot’s AI-powered insights and suggestions augmented our usage of jQuery, ensuring efficient and optimized code implementation.

Time and Effort Reduction:

Please share your observations on the time and effort saved during the development process with Freddy Copilot for Developers.

- Freddy Copilot significantly reduces the time spent building and publishing an app with a single click. It also helped my team run and maintain the app on the local server.

- Freddy Copilot’s insights and recommendations led to tangible improvements in our code quality. By adhering to best practices and optimizing code segments based on its suggestions, we observed a reduction of approximately 20–25% in the time spent on refactoring and optimization tasks.

Were there specific tasks, coding challenges, or iterations where Freddy Copilot significantly impacted?

Integrating third-party libraries or APIs can be challenging. Copilot’s contextual suggestions and examples provided guidance and best practices for seamless integrations. This significantly reduced trial-and-error efforts and accelerated the integration process by nearly 25–30%.

Resources Utilized:

What were the key roles and skill sets of your development team members who collaborated with Freddy Copilot?

We are a team of full-stack JavaScript developers who develop SaaS tools. We possess a combination of frontend and backend skills, and we have the capability of working across the entire application stack. My team played a crucial role in bridging the gap between the frontend and backend development, ensuring efficient integration of Freddy Copilot into the app.

Were there any specific tools or resources you found particularly helpful when working alongside Freddy Copilot?

Educational Resources and Tutorials: We accessed educational resources and tutorials related to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. These resources enhanced Freddy Copilot’s assistance by furthering our team’s knowledge and proficiency in these technologies.

Did you find any specific resources for training to incorporate Freddy Copilot effectively?

Yes, we attended the Freshworks Tech Talk on how to build the app using Freddy Copilot’s capability. We also learned about its capability at the Freshworks Developer Summit 2023 in Bangalore, an in-person event specifically for developers.

Problem Solved:

Did Freddy Copilot help you overcome any issue you would have otherwise faced if you developed the app without our Gen AI toolkit?

I faced this “error while substituting templates” issue while making an API request to Freshdesk. Freddy Copilot for Developers addressed the issue and gave a solution for it pretty efficiently. I faced similar issues with a few serverless apps and Freddy Copilot helped me solve those too.

App Development Outcome:

What was your primary objective when using the generative AI-powered toolkit — Freddy Copilot for Developers for your app development? How did it enhance the development process and the quality of your app?

Code Quality Improvement: Freddy Copilot enhanced the overall quality of our codebase by leveraging Freddy Copilot’s intelligent code analysis and automated suggestions for improvements. This also helped ensure that our code adheres to best practices and standards.

Freddy also minimized the occurrence of bugs, vulnerabilities, and technical debt by proactively addressing potential issues through its AI-driven analysis, which resulted in a more robust and maintainable codebase, says Arokiya Kithiyon.

Lessons Learned:

Based on your experience, do you have any best practices, tips, or recommendations for others using Freddy Copilot for Developers for app development?

- Familiarize yourself and your team with Freddy Copilot’s functionalities and capabilities. Explore its AI-driven code analysis, automated suggestions, and contextual recommendations to maximize its effectiveness.

- I would also encourage developers to use Freddy Copilot as a learning tool. Its explanations and examples can contribute to continuous learning and skill development among team members.

Future Considerations:

Would you consider using Freddy Copilot for Developers for future app development projects? Why or why not?

Yes, for sure!
Freddy Copilot for Developers aided us in navigating the extensive Freshworks documentation and enabled our developers to complete their tasks efficiently. It also deepens a developers’ understanding of the Freshworks app development process.

Additional Comments:

Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with Freddy Copilot for Developers, the app you developed, or insights gained?

Freddy Copilot for Developers has been transformative beyond mere efficiency improvement — it empowers our team to deliver better software. Its ability to detect bugs, syntax errors, and optimization areas allows us to rectify issues early, leading to a markedly more stable app with fewer post-deployment problems. The tool has therefore served as a catalyst in redefining our development strategies, improving not just speed but the balance between efficiency and code quality.

In summary, Freddy Copilot has revolutionized our approach to app development. The combination of insightful guidance, increased efficiency, and elevated code quality fosters a robust, collaborative development environment for our team. We’re excited about the possibilities it opens for future projects and look forward to further leveraging its capabilities to drive continuous innovation and excellence in our future app development endeavours.

Have you seen our previous post showcasing the Reopen Ticket app? You can check it out by clicking here.

Do you have an engaging app development story where Freddy Copilot for Developers played a significant role? You can email it to me at

