What Happens When You Publish An App to Our Marketplace

Satwik Hebbar
Freshworks Developer Platform Blog
3 min readMar 19, 2018

So you have built a shiny new App that you wish to publish on the Freshworks Marketplace? Congratulations! It’s time to submit this to us for review, and watch it go live.

But, what really happens once you hit “Submit” on our Developer Portal? Today we’d like to give you a sneak peek behind the scenes at what really happens, right upto the time it gets published and is live on our App Gallery.

Overall, your App is looked at by various teams from various points of view, primarily to ensure it will align with the Freshworks Motto of “Deliver moments of wow” that are customers are accustomed to when working with us. Note that your App will likely go through multiple iterations of the cycle described below because issues that need to be addressed are uncovered.

Let’s take a closer look at the various stages your App will go through.

  1. Is it clean and stable? First comes the Code Review. The very developers that built this platform for you, look at your code up close, primarily to make sure Freshworks’ customer interests are protected. Just like you, they care about customer experience and therefore, App stability. So they might recommend changing the App to use the platform differently, or handle certain scenarios differently. To some extent, they also care about the maintainability of the App itself, because popular Apps will go through multiple revisions and need to be reviewed over and over again. We will publish a separate post on this topic to dive into exactly what we look for when we code-review your App.
  2. Does it do what it says on the label? Now your App is put to the test. This is not just a test drive. Our engineers strive to understand how your App expects to function, and run it through a systematic test plan. The very test engineers that exercise our developer platform for you, put your App through its paces. You might be expected to fix certain problems this team uncovers if your App is to be certified.
  3. Is it secure? Next up is Security Testing. Trained security test engineers on the team will now run through a suite of tests to detect if your App is vulnerable to well-known exploits, like XSS, XSRF and query injection.
  4. What does it say on the label? The next stage is called Content Review. We check for a number of things related to how your App is discovered and first experienced by users. Is your App named suitably so as to not be confused with another? Are the screenshots descriptive, clear and helpful? Are the description and the instructions expected to be helpful for your users? (These guidelines may help)
  5. Is it ready to go? A quick, final check is done to ensure everything is in order. All feedback delivered during the review process has been catered to. No problems are expected to leak through the cracks. And the “Publish” button is pushed to start deploying your App to our Marketplace.

In a few minutes, your App will be live and discoverable on our Marketplace! You will probably want to release updates and bug fixes in the future. We encourage you to! Remember that all App updates will also go through the same review process described above.

Congratulations! You have now embarked on a journey we share with our customers, striving to make everyday productive.

If you believe your App will be very valuable to our customers and you wish to grab their attention? Please reach out to us so we can join hands together to promote your App and get it the attention it deserves or write to us at marketplace@freshworks.com. And follow us on @FWMarketplace

