Introducing Omni-Apps with Freshworks CRM

Juhi Singh
Freshworks Developer Platform Blog
4 min readDec 7, 2020

Customers today expect every business to deliver a connected experience across channels and departments. This requires solving how we create a single platform for businesses to nurture their customers through their entire life journey — starting with acquiring them, closing deals, and then making them successful, so that they become your “customers for life”.

🚶‍♂️A Walk down the technology memory lane

Long long ago — all the way back in 2007 — people used the camera to click pictures, an Mp3 player to listen to music, a Motorola phone, and a GPS System. All these technologies were evolving separately. When Apple launched the first iPhone, they created a new product experience while combining all the individual technology available. It replaced the traditional cell phone, camera, and an MP3 player. It was not a technology innovation; it was a user experience innovation.

The current state of business software is the same. Because all these software have evolved separately — whether it’s webchat, marketing automation, CRM, or helpdesk — the need of the hour is a product that provides a unified experience. How would an iPhone moment in business software look like?

The “iPhone moment” for CRM

What is Freshworks CRM? Freshworks CRM is an AI-powered customer relationship management solution that combines the power of sales CRM, marketing automation, chat, and telephony in a single, comprehensive solution. Built on the next-generation customer engagement platform, the CRM acts as a single source of truth and provides a 360° view of a customer by capturing and combining all of their marketing, sales, and service interactions in one place.

3 key value propositions for Freshworks CRM

  • Unified silos: Across marketing, sales, and service
  • 360-degree view of the customer: Single source of truth via a common platform
  • AI-Powered actionable Insights: Fresh approach to AI and ML
Freshworks CRM Capabilities

Freshworks CRM allows an organization to track the customer journey — regardless of whether it is the marketing department or the sales unit that does the tracking. Breaking down the data silos that are created with any legacy CRM using the latest advances in AI/ML (through our own Freddy AI engine) and a unified platform (more on this shortly) is what changes the game in CRM — possibly making Freshworks CRM your best bet yet in SaaS.

🤔What does this mean for Freshworks Developers?

Freshworks Developers now have a new product for which they can build apps. You will have all the enabled capabilities, just like the platform offers with any other Freshworks product. As you can possibly infer, Freshworks CRM is an evolution of Freshsales. Freshsales developers may find their use cases compatible with Freshworks CRM. Instead of rebuilding your app from scratch for Freshworks CRM, you are encouraged to transit or migrate your app from Freshsales to make it work for Freshworks CRM as well. We really wanted to make it easier for our Freshsales devs to transition their apps to our new CRM. And so, announcing today, Omniapps is the way to seamlessly bridge this transition.

Omni Apps: All for one, one for all

Omni apps — apps compatible with two or more Freshworks products — help deploy similar functionality across different products through efficient reuse of app code and resources.

At present, the Omni App plays the role of a bridge and supports Freshsales and Freshworks CRM as compatible products.

Developers can choose to build apps that only work with Freshworks CRM, build a new Omni app that works for both Freshworks CRM and Freshsales, or migrate an existing Freshsales app as an Omni app. Our Freshworks CRM developer documentation provides details about these app development capabilities. However, the true scope of Omni apps is more significant, and very soon, developers will be able to build apps compatible with various Freshworks products.

🎏Benefits of an Omni-App

  • Upload and manage a single app
  • Reusable code that is easier to manage
  • Faster rollout of apps for use cases that span Freshworks products
  • Unified app experience for customers

Do reach out and let us know how you would like us to make this even more seamless for you. We look forward to seeing some amazing apps from you all. For more information on how to Update your Freshsales App to Freshworks CRM, check out our forum post & our sample app.

Happy Coding 👩🏻‍💻❤️

You can reach out to us at the developer community forum for any further queries or suggestions.

