Recap: FreshHuddle, Berlin

Pavan Wudali
Freshworks Developer Platform Blog
3 min readSep 26, 2019
FreshHuddle, Berlin — September 16,17.

The Freshworks Developer Platform team wrapped up yet another successful FreshHuddle, this time in Berlin. Our earlier FreshHuddles focused on upskilling our solution partners; in the Berlin edition, we retained that motive and extended it to a few Startups in Europe who have perceived the demand for integrations with Freshworks’ products.

Specifically, our goals for this edition of the FreshHuddle centered around helping the invited startups, resellers, and solution partners build new apps or improve the features and performance of existing apps. Partner developers travelled from London, Ukraine, Stockholm, and across Europe to attend the event. The event reinforced our validation on what makes FreshHuddle a hit with app developers is the direct access to our engineers and developer advocates who can help solve issues in minutes as opposed to the weeks it might otherwise take.


We embarked on the journey of delivering the event through two tracks: a fundamental track for startups who are new to building apps on the Freshworks platform and an advanced track for accomplished app developers.

The fundamental track saw the launch of our training program that comprised of hands-on sessions on building front-end and serverless apps.

The advanced track saw a slew of presentations. The presentations encompassed participant centric play-along sessions on building and testing apps that react to events, scaling the use of scheduled events, and building data-centric apps through the platform’s Data Storage feature. The hear-hear sessions were on the tenets of building a secure app and tips to breeze through code reviews when publishing to the Freshworks Marketplace.

The Minnal talks session saw app developers from Swedbyte and Loyally share their experiences on building apps. This served as a proxy feedback for the platform team.

We also took the opportunity to launch the Developer Certification program for the European solution partners. A few concordant play-along presentations later, it was time to begin the most utile part of the day — our Apps Done-Done sessions where we have the platform team partnering with app developers to build new apps and enhance existing ones.

Co-development at its rewarding best

Tapping on the Apps Done-Done sessions, ResponseTap built two integrations from-the-scratch:

  • The Freshdesk app they built used call analytics data from ResponseTap to retrieve corresponding ticket information from Freshdesk and integrate the two products through meaningful status updates.
  • The Freshcaller app was to retrieve customer journey data from ResponseTap (based on an incoming number) and display it on the FreshCaller UI.

It is remarkable that the developer from ResponseTap underwent our training program on Day 1 of the event and completed these two apps on Day 2.

Parlamind whose Marketplace app suggests responses based on ticket conversations enhanced their app’s performance to showcase more responses to an agent.

What did the app developers say?

“As someone who did not know much about Freshworks before this week, I am now a big advocate and I think your platform is very, very nice. Well done on a great event! I want to come to the next Freshhuddle!” — Josh Grime, ResponseTap

“The hands-on sessions — Scheduled events and Data storage were fun, would be great to have more of those next time.” - Vladislav Nechepaev, Swedbyte

“The step-by-step way of walking through a tutorial is easy to understand and the quality of the training content is good.” - Maksym Orlovsky, Helpdesk Migration

We received commendable feedback from our event participants with an average overall rating of 4.8 out of 5 from both tracks.

You can check our event website, to get a feel of what you would have witnessed had you been part of our FreshHuddle at Berlin.

Watch this space for more updates on the upcoming FreshHuddles and other developer events.

