Spritle Software Accelerates App Development with Freddy Copilot for Developers

Niyathi Reddy
Freshworks Developer Platform Blog
4 min readJul 16, 2024

Over the years, AI has captured the attention of tech enthusiasts and industries alike. However, now we are at the cusp of an AI revolution with Gen AI. This cutting-edge technology has already established itself as the driving force behind innovation across diverse sectors. With its ability to understand, learn, and create — Gen AI has the potential to revolutionize how we approach problem-solving, customer interactions, and much more. In this exploration, we delve into how our developer partners like Spritle Software are harnessing the latest Freshworks Gen AI toolkit — Freddy Copilot for Developers to build apps faster for Freshworks Marketplace.

Founded in 2009, Spritle Software is an IT company specializing in advanced custom integrations, applications, portals, and digital solutions. The company has built several solutions for over 150 companies including Freshworks, Nestle Health Science, Changi Airport, L&T, Motorola, and more.

Spritle Software has been associated with Freshworks since 2015. Over the years, they have built over 40+ apps for the Freshworks Marketplace. With substantial financial success in the Freshworks marketplace with initiatives like the Paid Apps program, the leadership team recognized the need to intensify their efforts in app development further. When presented with the opportunity to test the beta version of Freddy Copilot for Developers — a gen AI toolkit — the Spritle Software team eagerly signed up for the beta version to build the Jotform app.

Jotform: Built with Freddy Copilot for Developers

Jotform is an online form builder that enables Freshdesk users to effortlessly create and share a wide range of forms, without the need for extensive coding knowledge. These forms can be easily embedded into websites, shared via links, or utilized for internal data collection. When there is a response on the form, a ticket is automatically generated on Freshdesk, simplifying the process for companies.

Here’s how this app helps users:

  • Streamlined Data Capture: When a user submits a Jotform, the integration can automatically create a ticket, in Freshdesk, eliminating the need for manual data entry.
  • Enhanced Customer Support: Jotform makes customer information available to customer support teams, streamlining the process of addressing user inquiries, issues, or requests.
  • Centralized Information: The integration helps consolidate user data within Freshdesk enabling support agents to access all relevant information in one place.
  • Automation and Efficiency: The integration automates the process of creating and updating tickets or contacts in Freshdesk, reducing manual tasks.

Install Jotform

Leveraging Technology to Accelerate App Development

Jotform was built using Freshworks’ gen-AI toolkit — Freddy Copilot for Developers. Freddy Copilot for Developers is a generative AI-powered toolkit that accelerates and streamlines app development. It leverages insights from millions of lines of code, swiftly transforming ideas from use cases into code deployments. It simplifies repetitive tasks and enhances anyone’s understanding of working with Freshworks product APIs.

“With Freddy Copilot for Developers, the possibilities are endless,” says Abinaya Gunasekaran — Program Manager, Spritle Software. “We look forward to building more apps and integrations faster than ever before.”

Let’s dive into how Freddy Copilot for Developers, can empower developers to quickly master the Freshworks developer toolkit, create valuable apps, and accelerate deployment into production.

Streamlining the development process

App development can often be a manual and time-consuming process for developers. However, with the Gen AI toolkit, the process becomes significantly more streamlined. The toolkit offers features such as instant code suggestions and alerts, which not only refine code quality but also ensure adherence to standards throughout the development process. Additionally, it aids in identifying potential scalability challenges early in the development cycle, empowering teams to make the necessary optimizations and infrastructure adjustments, and ensuring the seamless handling of increased loads and user demands.

“What was once a manual search process prior to Freddy Copilot for Developers has now become more convenient and streamlined. The tool has empowered us to identify potential product limitations and scalability challenges early in the development cycle. It streamlined our processes, improved code quality, and increased efficiency” — Bharath Kumar — Business Analyst, Spritle Software.

Easy implementation

Freddy Copilot for Developers is quick to set up and can significantly accelerate app development. When asked about the ease of implementation, a software engineer at Spritle Software said, “Freddy Copilot for Developers has truly been a game changer. From ideation to execution, it impressively took us just 20 minutes to set up and configure.”

Deepening understanding & enhancing skills

One of the most significant impacts of the Gen-AI toolkit is its ability to boost productivity and enhance the skills of individual developers. It provides real-time explanations and insights into coding concepts. For developers, this can act as a continuous learning experience and deepen their understanding of various techniques, contributing significantly to their professional growth.

“Freddy Copilot is not just a tool; it’s an AI-driven mentor. It offered me invaluable explanations and insights into coding concepts, deepening my understanding of various coding techniques” — Bala Nagendra K — Software Engineer, Spritle Software

Freddy Copilot for Developers can be an invaluable tool for developers. Its real-time assistance can expedite the creation of various apps, including ones like Jotform. Moreover, Freddy Copilot for Developers, with its proactive monitoring and issue detection capabilities, can significantly enhance efficiency within your team.

“Freddy Copilot for Developers is a wingman for developers, helping us get our job done in a timely manner. This tool has truly transformed our development process, enabling us to deliver high-quality solutions with speed and precision, ultimately benefiting our users and our organization as a whole” — Abinaya Gunasekaran — Program Manager, Spritle Software

Sign up for Beta to discover the full potential of Freddy Copilot for Developers and learn more about its features, benefits, and endless possibilities!

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