Unveiling the Global Apps Framework (Beta)

Niyathi Reddy
Freshworks Developer Platform Blog
4 min readMar 12, 2024
Introducing the Global Apps Framework (Beta)

We are thrilled to announce the Open Beta of the ‘Global Apps Framework’ — a module-based app development experience designed for Platform version 3.0.

Our Marketplace boasts over 1200 apps, with developers (such as yourself) playing a pivotal role in shaping the Freshworks marketplace & developer ecosystem. Your contributions in building public and custom apps for our marketplace empower our customers to enhance their Freshworks product experience by meeting their unique business requirements.

Here at Freshworks, we offer our products to customers as business SKUs. A SKU represents a bundle of product units and platform capabilities. Our goal is to empower our partners and developers to build apps that seamlessly operate across multiple SKUs.

Prior to the introduction of the Global Apps Framework, the process of building an app typically involved referring to the APIs and documentation of each Freshworks product and developing a separate app for each product. However, we realized our growing developer community required a unified app development process.

Enter the Global Apps Framework: changing the way you build apps

The Global Apps Framework redefines app development by breaking down all Freshworks products into modular functional units. These units, known as modules, provide developers with unparalleled flexibility. Now, you can effortlessly build and publish apps that operate seamlessly across all relevant products and bundles, capitalizing on the power of modular design.

For instance, if you build a module named “lists chat_conversation & deal,” our platform will render the apps for both Freshsales and Freshsales Suite users. This enables you to expand the app’s reach to a wider customer base.

Here are more compelling reasons why you should build on the Global Apps Framework:

  • Reduced redundancy
  • Expanded reach across Freshworks products
  • Monetization opportunities with the Paid Apps Program
  • First mover advantage

Reduced Redundancy

Creating identical apps for different products can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. For example, suppose you want to develop a calendly app, instead of building four separate apps for Freshservice, Freshsales, Freshsales Suite, and Freshdesk you can streamline the process by building an app with all the necessary modules using the Global Apps Framework. By including relevant modules at the build stage, the app becomes versatile and capable of running seamlessly across different products.

Bid farewell to the challenges of building individual apps for each Freshworks product. Thanks to the Global Apps Framework, you can now build a single app, integrate relevant modules, and ensure its compatibility and installability across various Freshworks products.

Expanded Reach Across Freshworks Products

Why limit your app’s compatibility to a single Freshworks product when many of our customers use more than one of our products? You can now extend your app’s functionality across the entire Freshworks ecosystem and reach a broader customer base.

Monetization Opportunities with Paid Apps Program

Did you know that the Global Apps Framework also extends you the opportunity to build Paid Apps? Imagine offering a Paid App with an expansive customer base. The general revenue share percentage for paid apps remains 80–20% between developers/developer partners and Freshworks. However, with our latest incentive program, here’s how the revenue share would look like:

Introducing the Incentive Program III

  • Get 100% revenue for three months by building two paid apps using platform 3.0. by June 15th, 2024
  • Get 100% revenue for six months by building three paid apps using platform 3.0. by June 15th, 2024
  • Get 100% revenue for one year by building four or more paid apps using platform 3.0. by June 15th, 2024

First Mover Advantage

Here is your chance to make your apps stand out by building them with the Global Apps Framework. Position yourself as an innovative app development partner showcasing your apps as cutting-edge solutions, thus setting a superior standard for excellence in the Freshworks ecosystem and within your peer network.

Developer Resources

If you’ve reached here and you’re excited to get started with building your first Global app, here are some helpful resources:

If you don’t have any experience building on Platform version 3.0., read the documentation to get your feet wet with the Freshworks Global Apps Framework

  • Access our tutorials and learn how to build with modules and use FDK 3.0.
  • Would you like to understand module names and their supported products? Check out the module information to know which modules correlate to which product. Reach out to us if you have any queries
  • You can access practical feature-based samples here and a use case here

The platform version 3.0. that supports Global Apps Framework is a potential game-changer for developers like you. It aims to simplify the building experience, enhance customizations, and provide a seamless app development experience. If you have any queries regarding the Global Apps Framework, you can also join our closed Community group and post your queries there. To join the community group follow the below-mentioned steps:

Once the request is accepted, you will be able to access the closed community group. Whether you’re seeking guidance, sharing your success stories, or collaborating on new ideas, the Global Apps Framework community group is here for you. Embrace the possibilities, connect with fellow developers, and build apps on platform version 3.0.

Happy coding!

