What does “Verified by Freshworks” mean to you?

Rohan Khandelwal
2 min readJun 29, 2019


Customers have often reached out to us through various channels enquiring about apps, common queries being — Is the app trusted and secure? Does the app fulfill what it promises in the description? Is our data secure? Will the app affect the product’s performance? Is it worth to invest in?

Freshworks Marketplace has always abided by one of its first principles — “Apps are a key part of our users’ workflows and we should hold them to the same standard as product features”. Therefore, we chose an exhaustive review process where each app goes through the same level of scrutiny as product features. Furthermore, with growing concerns about data security and privacy, comprehensive reviews enable us to certify that apps published on the Freshworks Marketplace are trustworthy.

Our developers have whole-heartedly abided by our platform principles and have addressed all the concerns which our app review team has raised during the app review cycle.

On April 2019 we launched the new Freshworks Marketplace. Along with the enhancements which help users to discover and evaluate your apps easily, we also launched “Verified by Freshworks” badge as accreditation from Freshworks, for apps built using our platform and published on the Marketplace after undergoing a thorough app review process.

By certifying your app after publishing it to Marketplace, we give your users the confidence of knowing that Freshworks has analyzed your app according to a strict set of criteria and found your app to conform to best practices for Freshworks platform development. In order to maintain customer confidence, once an app is certified all future versions must also undergo our review process.

Since the launch, “Verified by Freshworks” badge has acted as a testimony for your apps and has instilled much confidence amongst our customers. They are more aware of our app review process and are assured of a great experience while using the apps listed on Marketplace.

Find more details on our platform’s first principles here. Read more about our app review process here. Experience the new Freshworks Marketplace. Check it out and let us know what you think.

If you have any questions about the new Marketplace, reach out to us at marketplace@freshworks.com. Follow us on @FWMarketplace.

