Interning at Freshworks: Expectation vs Reality

Kavyapriya Sethu
Freshworks Insider
Published in
4 min readJun 11, 2018

We live in the ‘World of Corporates’, a fast-paced, schedule-driven life defined by heavy workloads and very little personal time. Most of us don’t even take a minute to appreciate the little moments that can really brighten the day up! When Freshworks initiated #100DaysOfHappiness, I decided to make some time and acknowledge the moments that made a difference to my life at work.

When I asked myself what made me happy, the answer was obvious!

My college days were spent being holed up in boring lectures while I was hunched over my notebook, scribbling down my racing thoughts. For as long as I could remember, writing made me immensely happy!

However, I was pursuing an engineering degree, and as my final year was nearing its end, I was confused about my career choices. When Freshworks offered me an internship to explore writing content, I was overwhelmed. This could be the break that I was desperately seeking.

From where I am, there is always a general notion that engineering pass-outs should become software professionals in some well-known MNC. My parents expected that of me. However, here I am, pursuing a content writing internship for a VC-funded SaaS startup. Will it be worth taking the road less traveled? I was not sure.

Writing made me immensely happy!

On December 8th, with skewed expectations, I started my first day as an intern. It has now been nearly four months into my internship. After spending much time here with my team and the organization, I realized that my expectations are incredibly different from the reality of working at Freshworks.


There will be no structured interview process. The interviewer wouldn’t bother scrutinizing whether you are the right fit but rather focussed on getting it over with so she/he can get back to their work.


There were multiple interviews conducted by multiple people. I was tested on my skills and had a long conversation about where I could put my strengths to work. I was assigned to a team accordingly.


You will have an awkward first day where you are clueless about everything under the sun. It will remind you of the time where you were the new kid in school; frequently getting lost, poor understanding of the syllabus and riddled with a constant feeling of not belonging.


The onboarding session gave valuable insights into the business, products, and the culture. It also was filled with fun activities that gave me an opportunity to interact with others and make friends.


The office will be just another typical corporate environment; pristine white walls, parallel rows of cubicles and uncomfortable chairs.


When I first visited the Freshworks office, I was taken aback by the amazing interiors that decorated the space. The walls were colorful and full of pictures (especially that of Thalaivar). There were swings, plush seating areas and beanbags. I could see people taking a break and engaging in a foosball match. There was even a gym (*gasp*).

Colourful environment encompassed me


There will be a million dress code restrictions, and you would have to spend nearly an hour every day deciding whether the outfit you have chosen abides by all the rules.


There are no dress codes and a million other restrictions. You can come to work in whatever you deem appropriate and comfortable.


You will spend almost half of your day pretending to be busy and the other half taking coffee breaks so you can wake up from your boredom. You will be stuck with doing menial tasks for your boss and will have no identity of your own.


I admit that I take a lot of coffee breaks. However, that’s only because I really love the filter coffee being made here at Freshworks!

Coffee breaks with my amazing team

My internship otherwise consisted of working on exciting projects like technology branding. I learned something new from each one of them. I also got to interact and work on projects that involved various other departments.


The team will huddle in a corner, discussing their dinner plans while you stand next to the paper shredder, taking your frustration out on the poor misprinted papers. Nobody will know your name. You will forever be the Intern #2 of your team.


Not only was my team fun but they showed genuine interest in getting to know about me. I was always included in all the team activities. I never had to worry about not belonging. I always had someone to have lunch with. During one of our team dinners, I even got the chance to meet the leaders of various verticals.

Team gatherings

Despite being from an engineering background, my internship provided me with the chance to connect with my source of happiness: writing.

Have you thought about the little things that put a smile on your face?

Take a minute, think about it and pen down your thoughts.



Kavyapriya Sethu
Freshworks Insider

I am full of untold stories. Now I just have to find the right words and make them sing.