Setup Alexa Echo Device to test unpublished Skills

This experience is part of California State University — Ready for College Alexa Skill project

Shifatul Islam (Sif)
DX Innovation at Fresno State
3 min readAug 5, 2019


This article will help you setup your Alexa device with your Amazon Developer account and try out Alexa Skills that you developed or is linked to your account.

First of all, if your Alexa device is already linked to an Amazon account, you will have to “deregister” it first before adding it to your developer account. If your Alexa device is new or not linked to any account, please skip to step 3.

Step 1. Open the “Amazon Alexa” app and follow the screenshots below to “deregister” existing echo device. Once complete you Alexa device will reset by saying “resetting your device, this will take only a minute, I will let you know when it’s done”. Finally once ready for setup, the device light will turn yellow and it will say “hello your device is ready for setup just follow the instructions on your Alexa app”.

Fig 1: deregister
Fig 2: Ready for setup

Step 2. Now Logout of your “Amazon Alexa” app from the settings menu as shown the the image below.

Fig 3: Logout

Step 3. If you do not have “Amazon Alexa” app then download it form the App Store/Play Store and open it. If you already have the app then update it and open it. Follow the screenshots below to register you app with you developer account.

Fig 4: Register + Setup

Step 4. Finish the setup process by selecting the correct Echo Device that you have from the option menu.

Fig 5: (WiFi) Finish Setup

Select the correct WiFi network, input password if required. Finally your Alexa Device is ready for testing development skills.

Step 5 (optional). If you want to check your development skills in the Alexa App, follow the screenshot above to navigate and see all Dev Skills.

Please contact Hub of DX at Fresno State for additional information.



Shifatul Islam (Sif)
DX Innovation at Fresno State

Lead Intern Developer at Technology Services, California State University, Fresno