Successful Projects: Sergey Tetruashvili and Alexander Burtakov

Dmytry Frey
3 min readAug 13, 2020

The gambling industry is very interesting for investors these days. This is not because casinos and bookmakers owners are making easy profits. In this industry, there is a category of businessmen who are called “serial entrepreneurs”. They founded companies for investment and eventually sell the business. However, for a more successful competitor to want to buy your business, it must have potential or a customer base. Alexander Burtakov, co-owner of Fonbet company, is sure of this.

It can be assumed that the company can be bought in order to beat business competitors. Many experts are convinced of this. This is because even in this case, the market perspectives of the buying company expand. However, this is not about Fonbet company. Alexander Burtakov is confident that the business is very promising and the owners are unlikely to sell assets. This is confirmed by financial statements. The company operates in more than 20 countries and is constantly increasing its profits.

Globalization of Markets

If you want to earn money, you must be the best. This is the main principle for Alexander Burtakov. A successful businessman not only invests in various projects but is also involved in sports advising. Today this is what a novice bettor needs. But this is not the only additional service for Fonbet users. The owners of the betting company do their best to improve the level of customer service. If you read several reviews, a large number of which are complimentary, you will understand that people are happy with the Fonbet. This bookmaker is chosen by sports fans from different countries.

Fonbet serves customers all over the world. This is one of the best bookmakers. The owners of the company have been striving to gain leadership for several years. This is unlikely to be considered a wrong idea. If an entrepreneur starts a business and invests in it from a startup to a big company, then all the more he needs to think about the prospects for globalization. This is the strategy that Alexander Burtakov and his team preferred. This businessman invests in Fonbet and is confident that such a business is very promising.

Perspectives of Fonbet

Globalization is an important stage for the company’s management. If you’ve founded a business that makes a profit, then competitors will definitely try to present the same project. But any markets are not limitless, and it will not work to increase profits endlessly. At some point, the management of any company understands that the earnings will decrease. In this case, you should choose globalization. This is one way to prevent bankruptcy.

It’s worth to prefer globalization when the business has become a “cash cow”. Therefore, Alexander Burtakov, co-owner of Fonbet, invests in several projects. It should be noted that a successful businessman lives in London. He loves this old town and buys real estate here. The rental business has always been profitable. Therefore, Sergei Tetruashvili always has funds for investment. Encouraging statistics is confirmed by the financial statements of the company.


Successful businessmen are often involved in different startups. According to experts, investing in IT or real estate is advisable. Sergei Tetruashvili was always sure of this. The confirmation of the profitability of such projects is the business of the shareholder Fonbet. This man founds companies known all over the world. You will hardly deny this fact since Fonbet is chosen by many bettors in England and other countries in Europe.

