This Person Does Not Exist

How AI Bots won Social Media

Graham Brown-Martin
Friction Burns


and how humans lost.

None of this is real. It’s 21st century disinformation warfare fought on the battlefield of your timeline.

Over past months I’ve studied how weaponised AI bots on social media destroy truth, create chaos and sow division within our society. This anticipatory research has informed some startling conclusions – the implications of which will shock you.

When we think of existential threats that challenge our future we look to global conflict, climate change or pandemics. We rarely, if ever, consider that the greatest existential threat to our society could be social media. The machine-learning algorithms driving profitability on, for example, Facebook or Twitter may very well lead to our demise – simply because we’ll no longer know what is true.

To test my theory, I ran advertising campaigns on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to study who or what was engaging. I got some big hitters on social media to engage with me publicly on Twitter; @DrTedros, @PiersMorgan and @Afneil, who have a combined total of 10 million followers.

This brought swarms of attack bots to my timeline along with some very nasty people. At least I think they were people. It’s hard to tell, as you’ll soon find out. It also resulted in my Facebook and Instagram accounts getting hacked and permanently…



Graham Brown-Martin
Friction Burns

Strategic Insight & Leadership Coaching : Society, Innovation & Education