Stop reading like you’re turning in a book report on Monday morning

Four Rebel Reading Habits That Will Make You Fall In Love With Reading Again

Ev Chapman
Friction To Flow
5 min readAug 10, 2021


I consider myself a bit of a rebel when it comes to consuming content.

A conversation with a creator friend the other night highlighted to me that I have come to view content consumption fundamentally different from most people.

It all can be traced back to the time I read Sonkhe Ahrens’s book How To Take Smart Notes and was introduced to the Zettelkasten Method. There was one idea that stood out to me that confirmed my rebel suspicions about how I have come to consume content.

Niklas Luhmann, founder of the Zettelkasten Method

If you are not familiar with the book, it introduces the Zettelkasten Method which was created by Niklas Luhmann, A German Sociologist & academic who over his career penned over 70 books using the method. He was not a typical academic in the way you might brainstorm something to write about, outline the important points and then start researching. He turned the whole process upside down. Beginning by reading and collecting notes, following his interests on all manner of subjects through…



Ev Chapman
Friction To Flow

Personal Knowledge Coach. I Help Solopreneurs Turn Their Personal Knowledge into Profitable Ideas with a Tailored System That Transforms How They Think & Create